Tuesday 1 July 2014


REFERENCES: Genesis 2: 16-17, Deut 5:7, Revelation 20:7-9

And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.”Gen 2:16-17

You shall have no other gods before me. Deut 5:7 

When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth – Gog and Magog – to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand of the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But the fire came down from heaven and devoured them. Rev 20: 7-9

Human beings and all the living and non-living things, all belong to God who created them.  Man (human being) is unique in that he was created in the image of God. He has unique characters and abilities. He thinks and acts as he chooses. He has God-given right and ability to accept or reject God himself or what he says.

The human race is highly privileged in that they can even deny the existence of God and attribute the origin of his creation to anything including the big bang, animals and “millions of years”. This is totally in contradiction to what DNA research has revealed.

We mistakenly think that God thinks and acts like one of us. We see him like an old man – a harsh and protective dictator holding a whip ready to punish all those who do not toe the line. Contrary to that kind of thinking, God is loving, forgiving and understanding.  From the beginning, he planned to create a man able to make his own decision to love or hate him without external influence.  He gave us the freedom or rights to be human. We are not puppets. He needed an independent and moral entity with the abilities to reject him and say no to his face. His plan is that we choose to love him and follow him and his decision is not to interfere. He says come to me. He does not force us. The love and fellowship expected from us must come from our hearts.

Man is more than we see with our eyes or easily detect with the five common senses. We see the body that is flesh, bones and blood. The second part is the soul which is not physical and therefore cannot be seen with our eyes but can be detected easily. The soul is made up of emotion, intellect and will. The third part is the spirit whose faculties are intuition (ability to commune with God), worship and conscience (ability to know wrong and right).

The three parts of man have their different functions. Animals have a soul but not the spirit and that makes them different from human beings. A dog has emotion, intellect and will. When a dog is happy, it raises up its tail and when sad it does the opposite.  A dog can decide to exercise its will by remaining lying down when summoned to stand up.  Through the intellect, the dog can learn many things, even tricks.

In regard to the spirit, the dog is unable to worship, pray or be able to know the right from the wrong the same way man knows, unless it is taught.

Is God unable to destroy Satan? No! God is able to do everything he wishes but has permitted Satan to exist and operate for the following reasons:-
1.     So that there can be a choice. Man must choose to obey God or Satan. An alternative must provided otherwise fairness and justice would be lacking.
2.     Satan and his kingdom exist to ensure people reap what they sow.
3.     God allows Satan to continue to operate while He (God) gives mankind time to repent.

The master of all plans is the need for every person in this world to find salvation in Jesus Christ. In Romans 6:23, this is written, “for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord”.

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