Friday 13 June 2014


REFERENCE: Ezekiel 37, Genesis 50:25, Matthew 27: 52-53

The hand of the Lord was upon me; and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of the valley; it was full of bones. Ezek 37:1

So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a voice, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. Ezek 37: 7

So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet – a vast army. Ezek 37: 10

And Joseph made the sons of Israel swear an oath and said, “God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up from this place. Genesis 50: 25

The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus’ resurrection they went into the holy city. Matt 27:52-53

COMMENT: I am delighted to write this message of hope to all who love the children of Jacob who are also known as the Jews. Genesis 12:3 promises blessings to all those who bless the offspring of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and a curse to those who curse them. The same scripture goes on to state that the earth will be blessed through Abraham. Christian countries should formulate their foreign policies from this promise by God.

Satan the enemy of God, with his evil angels works in cohorts with those who have chosen to serve him, and has tried to exterminate the Jews in order to put to an end the future plans God has made. He knows God uses the Jews in dealing with human beings, created in his image, to dominate the world.

When Satan knew God had a plan to rescue the Jews from slavery in Egypt, he attempted to kill Moses, their leader as a baby, using the Pharaoh. Again using the Jews to save the world through Jesus, the same enemy, used King Herod, to kill many children hoping to eliminate Christ. In these two incidents, Satan failed miserably.

Many times the Jews have been subjected to misery after misery for reasons not always of their own making. In most cases the assault has been for persecution reasons and not prosecution.  Think of AD 70 when the ruling Roman Empire invaded Jerusalem and killed thousands if not millions. The Masada forced suicide followed afterwards. The inquisition did not spare them either. No wonder the Jews have taken a vow not to allow such a things to happen to them again.

To crown it all, during the Second World War in Europe, the NAZI group ruling in Germany and the conquered areas around, decided to brutally kill all the Jews they could get hold of. They killed a total of 6 million and perhaps they would not have stopped had the war not ended.
 The good news to all is that during the millennial kingdom, all these Jews who were brutally murdered and dumped in trenches all over including Europe, will be revived hence the written prophesy about the dry bones. See Ezek 37:1, 7 and 10. I am sure the bones of those murdered are not all rotten and even if they are, God is able to revive them. The man of God will be commanded to prophesy and life will be given to billions of bones.

Prophet Ezekiel, according to chapter 37 of his book, witnessed the revival of the dry bones. God encouraged the prophet’s participation in the revival by commanding him to prophesy and what he said happened. The bones came together, gained flesh and then life. It will be noted that finally, the revived people stood upon their feet, and they were a vast army. (See verse 10 of chapter 37). I know Abraham will be delighted to see this vast army because it will be as huge as he was promised in Genesis 15:5.

 Those the Antichrist will have killed during his evil reign (in future) will also be raised and join those arriving from the hiding place.  Many others will be raised from all over the world and the entire panorama will be witnessed by both the Old Testament and the raptured saints.  All will gather to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. (See Revelation 12: 6)

According to Genesis 50:25, Joseph in Egypt knew something about the revival and so he ordered that his bones be carried to Canaan. Expectation of the revival is also expressed in Matthew 27:52 and 53 when revived holy people walked out of their tombs around Jerusalem and were seen walking in the city after the resurrection of Jesus.

By the end of the millennium, the Jews will have received all that was promised. They will be waiting to enter eternity which is the final and everlasting Canaan. Only those who will choose to follow and honour the Lord Jesus Christ will enter. None will be forced according to Revelation 20:7-9.

PRAYER: God Almighty! Let all those looking forward to eternal life, understand and rejoice,because a grand reunion is coming soon.

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