Monday 7 July 2014


Ref: Deuteronomy 16:17
Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you.

COMMENT: My gift for the work of God will be blessed by God and following the gift received, and then another gift must be released. It will become a circle of giving or releasing of gifts and then receiving from God and then again repeating the same action. We are expected to make it a way of live or a culture in the life of Christians.

The process of giving by Christians and then receiving from God begins but does not end. It is the most reasonable and profitable way of life because it promotes dependence on God for whatever we need to live.

I know a Christian who recently planted a seed of KSh 10,000 (USD 114.9) to God TV Christian channel based in Jerusalem and reaching the whole world. He is eagerly waiting to break away from poverty and has already started to witness some blessings. He is not only waiting for finances but also good health.

PRAYER: My friend is now thanking God for the coming breakthrough in finances, health and even spiritual growth.

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