Friday 4 July 2014


REFERENCE: Deuteronomy 15:10
Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.

COMMENT: This is a command from God to mankind especially those who believe and prescribe to God’s word. The bible was written for believers but thank God even non-believers benefit from it.

Sometimes the believers find themselves in situations they cannot make ends meet and start to wonder why they are suffering yet God owns everything on the earth.

God’s promises are yes and amen but there are conditions that must be met. The Israelites in order to live and enjoy life in Canaan were required to obey. They failed to obey and as a result they lost their inheritance. Likewise, as Christians we are commanded to give so that we can receive.

The economy of this world is buying and selling but this is not the case with the economy of heaven.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Teach me to carefully follow your teaching and always act accordingly.

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