Tuesday 30 September 2014


REF: John 8:44 (NIV)

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.


The world is full of lying and deception whichever direction you look. Satan the spiritual and master deceiver is the source of all the lying and deceiving. His native language is lying and he is the father of lies.

Satan controls a well organized army of spiritual beings called demons and they operate secretly using living people as well as animals. Due to their spiritual nature, you can hardly detect them unless you realize that the spiritual world is as real as the physical one. Their activities are visible everywhere.

When Satan rebelled in heaven, (Note that God allowed the rebellion because he always demands that people make choices. He is not a dictator. He does not force anybody to love or follow him.) he was followed by one third of all the angels in heaven. According to Revelation 5: 11, the number of angels in heaven was 100 billion. One third of 100 billion is about 33 billion. Out of this number of rebels, one third was imprisoned (See Jude 1:6). Therefore, there are about 22 billion evil spiritual beings behind their master Satan.

An army of 22 billion is more than three times the current total number of people on earth today. Satan can therefore, assign three demons to each living person on earth today and keep a balance for other duties. The fact that the world population is growing rapidly despite all the evil interventions by the faceless people running the world today, is scaring the devil and his army. They have to work overtime especially in the areas of human beings elimination. Imagine how many babies and adults are killed every day through abortion, wars, famine, manmade diseases and other imposed calamities.

In everything he does, Satan uses deception hence the creation of the powerful propaganda machine operating in the entire world today. Look at the media that suppresses truth everywhere. Please note that man has not yet landed on the moon as we have been made to believe. It is an open secret that the 1969 trip to the moon was faked for political reasons and the world was shown photographs of the guys acting in a desert. Radiation all around the moon cannot be penetrated by living things and they survive, unless they are protected with heavy metal which will make the missile impossible to fly. Until new technology is discovered, the landing on the moon will remain elusive.

The media in cohorts with others, has deceived us for the last 45 years. The man said to have landed on the moon and planted the American flag, died a few years ago yet he had never given a jam-packed interview about the trip to the moon.  It was supposed to be a historic event of no comparison. Please check YouTube for details.

Another major lie to the world regards a current world leader married to a fellow man who poses as a woman. He dresses like a woman and likely has undergone hormonal changes to make him look like a woman. The agenda here is likely to make gay lifestyle popular and therefore demean the family institution aiming at population control. What an agenda?

Deception and lying have perhaps gotten to a climax. Is the Lord Jesus Christ returning soon? Although the day and the hour of his coming is not known, the bible says that we should not be caught unaware.  There will be signs of his coming and those whose ears are open can see what is happening. Please read Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21:5-36.


God Almighty! Open our ears wide.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Greg Laurie and End Times Expert Agree It's a Mistake to Deny That ISIS and Similar Terrorist Groups Have Roots in Islamic Religion

By Alex Murashko , Christian Post Reporter
September 26, 2014|11:42 am
Christian apologist Don Stewart and evangelist Greg Laurie both agreed during a recent discussion about the End Times that it is a mistake to deny that terrorist groups, such as the Islamic State in the Middle East and other parts of the world, are rooted in the Islamic religion, something they and others believe as fact.
Greg Laurie(Photo: Harvest Ministries webcast screengrab)
Evangelist Greg Laurie (L) discusses End Times with apologist Don Stewart at Harvest Orange County church in Irvine, California, Sept. 25, 2014.
"There's so many groups. What we are dealing with in a broad spectrum is Islamic terrorism," Laurie said during his interview with Stewart Thursday evening at the Harvest Orange County church in Irvine, California. "So, I think it's a mistake when someone stands up and says, 'You know these people are not Muslims.' Well, aren't they?"
Stewart responded, "Yes, they are." Adding that the first thing that politicians such as President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry (and George W. Bush, Laurie added), say is that "it's this peaceful religion that's been hijacked and that it's not Islam."
"Actually, it is Islam, it's Islam from the very get go — how it started and how it continued. And that's why this IS group, Islamic State, believes they are the original Islam," Stewart said. "They are doing what Mohammed did and his immediate followers."
After naming the various Islamic terrorist groups around the world, he added, "The bottom line is that they all believe one thing, Greg, that Islam is going to take over the world, there's going to be a worldwide caliphate."
When asked to define caliphate, Stewart, who has authored several books, including The Rapture, answered, "Caliphate is a political religious system where Islam rules everything — the way you live your life, what you do, how you act every day, and that sort of thing. It literally controls every aspect of your life."
Laurie concluded this part of the discussion by saying, "But of course, we know that's not what the Scripture teaches, but that's their agenda. We are not saying that everyone who happens to be Muslim embraces this, there are many peaceful Muslims in America and around the world. But [the terrorists] are a radicalized group that believes that they are doing the will of Allah and they want world conquest."
Both Laurie and Stewart also agreed that some young people today are vulnerable to joining these types of groups.
"They have a structured belief system. [Youth in the U.S.] grow up in school today [learning that] the common ancestor is the ape, and there's no purpose for existence," Stewart explained. "IS is giving them a purpose for existence. There is a god. There is an end of history where they will be in control. That's what draws these people."
Laurie pointed out that modern technology, including social media, has allowed for the extremist group's belief system to recruit young people.
"We've worked so hard to remove God from our culture, in England, and even in America that's happening as well, and so there's this big vacuum, and so along comes this group that says we know God, Allah, and this is what you should do. They have kind of made, for some, jihad a little bit cool," Laurie said.
Asked by Laurie what the current events mean in terms of Bible prophecy, Stewart answered, "The players are moving into position. It's almost like a play … before the curtain goes up you have to hit your mark, and once you hit your mark then the curtain goes up. Players are moving around backstage ready to hit their mark and what they are doing is showing the fact that there is no world leadership, no world leader, that Israel is the enemy of everybody. … So, the problem is again, the stage is being set for Israel to be in the crosshairs, center stage for the final countdown."
After Laurie's interview with Stewart Thursday evening, he was asked by The Christian Post why his featured discussions that focused on the End Times in recent years often come at a time when there seems to be a heightened state of chaos and catastrophe in the world.
"That is so true. It shows how fragile things are in our world and how quickly things can change," Laurie answered. "It's like we are seeing foreshocks of a powerful earthquake that is ready to happen. The prophetic events are like dominoes closely stacked together. When the first domino falls, the others will fall in short order."
The full archived video of Laurie's interview with Stewart can be viewed by clicking here.

“Certain countries are helping the radical forces”

The Iranian president did not give out exact names, but while speaking at the UN general assembly he declared that global intelligence organizations are helping strengthen “Radical Groups”. Regarding the nuclear issue, he claimed that an agreement on this topic will only be achieved using diplomatic means
Sep 26, 2014, 10:20PM | Rio Avitayler
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Rouhani speaking at the UN general assembly
Rouhani speaking at the UN general assembly C-Span/ Channel 2 news
Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani blamed “certain states” for helping radical violent forces in the Middle East. “The radical groups are sweeping the area with violence and have mercy for no one”, said Rouhani.
In the UN general assembly in New York many world leaders come to speak, one of them was Iran’s president Rouhani, which devoted most of his speech to discuss the threat posed by ISIS and radical forces in general.
Rouhani, which refuses to call ISIS Muslims, did not explain who are those countries or organizations that are behind making radical Islamic groups stronger, but said that because of them they manage to become so destructive. He claimed that intelligence agencies were arming and training those “madman” and that “now they have mercy for no one”.


REF: Luke 9:42 (NIV)

And even while the boy was coming, the demon threw him to the ground in a convulsion. But Jesus rebuked the evil spirit, healed the boy and gave him back to his father.

COMMENT: Jesus in his teaching ministry had an opportunity to demonstrate to the public that demons are real although we have no ability to see them with our ordinary eyes. The boy had a long history of suffering in the hands of demons that lived in his body and it appeared they planned to kill him one day.

Satan had ruined both the soul and the body of the boy. He had the privilege of inhibiting the soul and body of the boy with permission from God. God is all knowing and He is present everywhere all the time. For this reason, therefore, He could see everything that was taking place and had a good reason to allow it to happen.

If this story of the boy under the influence of demons did not exist, a chance to learn and understand the activities of Satan would not be as clear as it is. God’s purpose is to teach us something about the supernatural. Likewise, if the story of Job was non-existent, we would really be short of a very important teaching of the activities of Satan. The privileges of Satan despite the fact that he is a fallen and defeated angel would not be known or properly understood.

We are created in the image of God and therefore we are more than the physical beings we see every day. We are both spirit and body and when the two separate for whatever reason, physical death is experienced.

Despite my ability to understand and write about Theology, I suffer physically in the areas of arthritis, allergies, diabetes, foot burning and high blood pressure. I am on medication daily. Sometimes I think I have only a few years to live but this does not scare me because I know God has a good reason for my suffering. I am sure this world is not my home. I am going home soon.

PRAYER: Thanks to God because He has not abandoned me. I am coming home soon.

Friday 26 September 2014


REF: Zechariah 3:1

Then he showed Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at the right side to accuse him.

COMMENT: In the Old Testament, the angle of the Lord is actually Jesus Christ himself and the Lord Almighty is God the father.

In this scene described here in Zachariah 3, we see Jesus standing next to Zachariah and Satan is standing on the right hand of Joshua ready to accuse him. Satan in most cases stands near in order to get a chance to do his dirty work. He is the AOB. Not “any other business” although he has many other businesses to engage in, regarding the affairs of righteous men.  AOB stands for his job description. He is the accuser of the brethren and he loves his dirty job.

God is not a dictator. He has allowed the opposition side to exist and it is headed by Satan. Satan is not at all equal to God.  He was a good angel created by God and the bible says he was corrupted by pride. He rebelled in heaven and was followed by one third of all angels in heaven. He intends to overthrow God. The Almighty God has permitted him to exist in order to give human beings a chance to choose the way they would like to go. God hates to dictate to human beings to love him. By their freewill, He wants them to love and follow him.

God, through Jesus Christ, has promised heaven to all those who have freely chosen him as King. To those who have chosen Satan, God has permitted them to follow him despite the fact that their destination is hell which is the lake of fire and eternal suffering.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Please remind us that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Reveal to us evil schemes of the Accuser Of Brethren (AOB).