Sunday 20 April 2014


REFERENCE: Matthew 24:4-5(NIV)

Jesus answered, ‘Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, I am the Christ” and will deceive many.

 Non-believers do not bother much about Jesus Christ and for that reason are not likely to be deceived in the same way believers are taken for a ride. Even among the believers, it is those who are eagerly looking forward to the return of Jesus Christ who will be deceived first. They have read, discussed and taught about the soon return of the Lord and great interest has been created. As the going is getting tough every day, the expectation of Jesus’ return to evacuate mankind is even higher.

Mark 13:6 repeats the same issue of deception and warns that many will be mislead. It is the serious believers who pray and eagerly expect miracles who may be deceived easily. The Antichrist will receive supernatural powers (Refer to Revelation 13:13) and he will perform miracles at will. He will deceive many and they will follow him. His next step will be to force everybody to receive the mark of the beast on their faces and hands in order to transact any business.

 Muslims are expecting Al Mahdi to appear on earth and act in the same way as the Antichrist. Perhaps they are one and the same person. They are expected to bring peace in the entire world and win hearts of many. The whole world is looking for such a leader with the ability to solve persistent global problems.

Miracles can deceive many especially if the mainstream media, sides with the miracle worker. Within the given 3.5 initial years of his rule, the world will receive the mark of the beast. The rapture of the church will have taken place and those left behind will have to take the mark or their heads be cut off. However, there is hope for those whose heads are cut off. They will arrive in heaven holding their heads in their hands asking God to revenge for them. They will be comforted and be advised to hold on until more people arrive.  Refer to Revelation 6:10 and 11. The Jews will be protected somewhere by God until the Armageddon war takes place and Satan is defeated and the entire world population is wiped away. The Jews will be released from the protected place and then the millennium will begin.

The believers are advised not to look only at the miracles, but also the fruits produced by the miracle worker. Compare his behavior with the word of God and note the shortcomings. We are not to judge but only to inspect the fruit. Refer Matthew 7:16.

When the Antichrist’s time comes to an end after seven years from his installation, the Lord Jesus Christ will arrive from heaven with angels and the saints. He will fight the Antichrist in the battle of Armageddon, defeat him and send him with his assistant to the lake of burning fire. Satan will be placed in the bottomless pit for 1000 years (millennium).

Deception is a powerful tool for Satan and his two assistants (Antichrist and False Prophet). Their spirits are misleading many even today. This is the reason why heresies are being taught in many places. The elect are also being misled especially those who are not responsible to anybody and do not watch and pray. Money and fame are also used to entice them.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Open our ears so that we can hear the sound of the watchmen shouting.


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