Wednesday 16 April 2014


REFERENCE: Matthew 24:2 (Mark 13:2, Luke 21:5) NIV

“Do you see all these things?” he asked. “I tell you the truth, not one stone will be left on another, every one will be thrown down”.


 i24 News last night (Sunday 13 April 2014) carried a full documentary on the completed plans for construction of the long awaited Jewish temple in Jerusalem. The new temple will be the third to be put up. The first one was constructed by King Solomon (plans and building materials were provided by his father King David). It was a magnificent building and the pride of the Jews. NB. The detailed plans were actually given by God Himself according to the bible and it is not just any building and cannot be constructed anywhere. It must be in Jerusalem on the plot where the first one stood.

The first temple was destroyed by the Babylonians after fighting the Jews, defeating them and then carrying them away as slaves to Babylon. The second temple which is commonly referred to as Herod’s Temple was built after the return from Babylon.

The Herod’s temple was there during the Roman Empire and during the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus. This is the temple Jesus prophesied that it would be destroyed and no stone would be left on another. In AD 70, exactly what had been foretold happened. The poor Jews were again persecuted, massacred and forced out of their land and scattered all over the world. The city of Jerusalem was burnt down and destroyed completely. Satan, the god of this world according to the powers surrendered to him by Adam, was out to destroy the entire Jewish nation so that the God’s future plans could be thwarted. Replacement theology which is being promoted these days is in the same league as destruction of the Jews. They teach that Christians are the Jews of today because God finished with the true Jews. They disregard Romans 11 which teaches that God is yet to reward the Jews. It is deliberate ignorance by the theologians and will lead to other sins which will deliver them to the evil one.

The warning by the Lord Jesus that the Jews run away immediately without delay when they see Jerusalem surrounded by armies partly refers to AD 70.  It also refers to the Anti-Christ entering the new temple in future, and demanding to be worshiped by the Jews and when they refuse, persecutions begin.

Please note carefully that the new and final temple will be constructed soon despite bitter opposition by Muslims all over the world.  Muslims have lots of both human and financial resources but the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is with his people. We are soon to witness the showdown.

We are in the final days. GET READY!!!

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Teach us to stay awake with our hearts full of YOU.

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