Monday 28 April 2014


REFERENCE: 2 Corinthians 4:4 and John 14:30

The god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 2Cor4:4
I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me. John 14:30

 Man (woman also included) was created in the image of God and from the beginning, God did not intend to create a robot or a puppet, but a man with his own mind, emotion and will. A man who can think freely without influence against his will. He can initiate a plan and take action on his own. He is able to design, execute the plan and finally achieve his goal. He was given absolute freedom to choose to follow God who created him or reject him. God is not a benevolent or hard dictator, as many think.  He is not like our parents or leaders who demand that we toe the line. He is not a military commander who expects all his orders, to be obeyed even the unreasonable ones, without question.

The freedom to choose is basic in man from as early as babyhood. To test this, give your baby a gift and demand it back. The baby will fight to retain the gift. That is exactly the way we are. We do not have to learn it. It is an instinct. The popular human rights now included in all modern constitutions, is a product of this same basic need of freedom or self determination. Freedom to choose is a basic and innate dignity of all human beings.  God cannot deny it, and remain God although he knows it has dire consequences.

God, who wants us to choose to cooperate with him, gave us the ability to decide. This is therefore the reason why he created Satan and allowed him to oppose him. If only God existed, man would have no choice to make. God allowed Satan to deceive Adam and Eve for this same reason of freedom to choose. The forbidden fruit was put in the Garden of Eden for the same reason.

Adam was created as a full grown adult and the same with his wife Eve. Both were given a lot of powers and abilities and were free to obey God or not. God however, warned them that business would not be as usual if they disobeyed. God did not follow them 24/7 wherever they went to see how they behaved. He visited them in the evening for fellowship. He did not employ a policeman to follow them wherever they went. Both were free as individuals or as a couple. The eating of the fruit was initiated by Eve and Adam did not object it despite his ability to do so.

The consequence for accepting the deception meant losing everything to Satan. They lost dominion and the possession of the world to Satan. They became slaves of Satan by choice. Satan achieved what would have been impossible without using Adam. He became the god of this age and the prince of this world. Tittles describing his role and rank in this world are many. A few are exposed here:
1.     Abaddon or Appolyon (Rev. 9::11)
2.     Evil one (Matt. 13:19)
3.     Belial (2Cor. 6:15)
4.     Prince of demons (Matt. 12:14)
5.     Ruler of the kingdom of the air (Eph.2:2)
6.     Murderer (John 8:44)

Satan is real but deceives people that he does not exist. He is not a school boy to play with. He is as powerful as the archangels because he was one of them and did not lose most of his powers. The old hymn, “stand up, stand up for Jesus” acknowledges that. He is also able to manifest himself as an “angel of light”.

With all these powers, Satan is not at all equal to God. His tenure (time) is almost up. Hell fire was made for him and his evil angels (demons).

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Guide us in detecting the works of Satan.

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