Wednesday 16 April 2014


REFERENCES: Matthew 24: 15-16 & Luke 21: 20-22(NIV)

So when you see standing in the holy place, “the abomination that causes desolation”, spoken of through the prophet Daniel – let the reader understand – then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, you will know its desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city.


 The holy place is the temple in Jerusalem where the Roman soldiers entered in AD70 and destroyed not only the city but also the temple which was the pride of the Jews. The Lord Jesus talking to his disciples told them to get out of the city, and not enter it when they see armies surrounding Jerusalem. The reason for warning them is because of what was going to happen about 40 years later in AD 70. What we call crime against humanity today, is what was carried out by the savage Roman soldiers. The plan to wipe out the Jews was put in the soldiers by Satan himself who always wants to eliminate God’s children.

Thank God in AD 70, the Jews did not delay but ran away from their land. Some went as far as Europe, Asia and even North Africa. Although many who did not heed the warning were massacred, the Jews nation was not exterminated as planned by the evil one. It is in fact the Romans who lost their empire and later were completely wiped out. Unlike the Jews, today only their language exists. Nobody speaks Latin as a native language or can be referred to as a Roman, even the current Pope.

Hebrew language spoken during the time of the Romans is the same language spoken today by over six million people in Israel. Satan has failed to wipe them out of the world map and it is not possible despite constant threats by Iran and other Muslims.

The abomination that causes desolation will be experienced once again soon. When the new temple is constructed, the Anti-Christ in his second half of his rule on earth will enter the temple and demand that the Jews worship him as God. The Jews will not agree to worship him and therefore he will begin to persecute them. He will massacre them, but eventually their God will rescue them by sending them to a save place. He will lead them to Petra and take care of them up to the end of the battle of Armageddon when the Lord Jesus Christ will defeat Satan, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet.

Finally, the end will come.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Teach us to treasure the truth so that we can wait patiently

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