Saturday 26 April 2014


REFERENCE: Revelation 20:4 (nkjv)
……………………..And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands.

 The second half of the seven years of undisputed leadership of the Antichrist, will be a time of tribulation – the great tribulation. The bible says that, if this time of suffering will not be shortened nobody will survive. According to Revelation 13:16, the world population will be forced to receive the mark of the beast on the right hand or the forehead. The mark is an electronic microchip, the size of a rice grain. Once injected in the body, it will be impossible to remove it. Without the mark, nobody will buy or sell.  Rev. 13: 17. Cash will have been withdrawn following the crash of world currencies.

The cashless society is being introduced in the entire world today. Some people are no longer handling cash. They prefer cards and mobile phone money transfers. Cards and electronic money transfer are not as safe as the mark because they can be stolen and forged. In all life activities, the mark will become necessary very soon. On trial basis, some countries have already started using the mark. They have started with senior civil servants and when the law is passed that will requires all to have the mark, those who will refuse to take it, will be persecuted.

For Obamacare to work properly, all must have a way of identification and it is likely to be a microchip in the body. The appropriate law is already in place requiring all the US citizens to acquire a microchip. Other countries are likely to follow soon.

The penalty for rejecting the mark during the Antichrist’s rule will be death not by hanging or electric chair, but by guillotine. They will use guillotines because they need to harvest body parts for the sick that need them and perhaps for human sacrifice.   Rumor has it that already, guillotines have been ordered by some countries.

Many believers, who will have been left behind when the rapture takes place, will have to be beheaded. This will be the only way to heaven as recorded in Revelation 6:10 and 20:4. Take courage!!

The big question is, would you like to go to heaven with your head on, or with your head off? Make a decision now.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Prepare us for the rapture.

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