Friday 25 April 2014


REFERENCE: Revelation 12:6

The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.

 The woman in this scripture under reference is none other than the Jews, and the baby about to be born is Jesus. The dragon of course, is Satan. The given 1,260 days is three and half years, which is exactly half of the seven years that the Antichrist will rule the world. He (Antichrist) is a man with supernatural powers given by Satan to deal with all global problems. He will start with peace and the economy and having solved these two teething problems, he will win the hearts of the inhabitants of the entire world. Today as I write this message, wars, insecurity and poor economy are driving the world crazy. The world population is looking for anybody able to solve the problems. Politicians and other leaders have failed miserably and others are doing the opposite.

In the middle of his rule, the Antichrist enters the city of Jerusalem. He is popular due to the world problems he has solved and the miracles he has performed. He has even been raised from the dead by the False Prophet in imitation of Jesus Christ, and his image has been erected for people to worship. This time the new temple has been built in Jerusalem and animal sacrifice has begun. He enters the temple and demands that the Jews worship him but they adamantly reject his order. The abomination that causes desolation mentioned in the book of Daniel 9:27 will be standing in the holy place and the reader will have understood. (Refer to Matthew 24:15). The rejection will generate persecution to all Jews everywhere, especially in Israel. Satan will attempt to exterminate the Jews as he has tried several times in the past in Egypt, Persia and Europe but failed. This time the Jews will run to the south of Israel to a place prepared by God. They will be taken care of by God for 1,260 days. The evil rule of their enemy at that time will come to an end at the battle of Armageddon.

 God has allowed this as we approach the return of the Lord Jesus to set up his kingdom that will solve all the global problems. He will be the second Adam who will not hand over his power and authority to Satan, as the first Adam did and caused all the mess in the world today. The Lord Jesus Christ’s rule on earth will last 1000 years and the Jews will be the only people on earth with human bodies as we have today. They will function in the same way we do. They will have babies and increase considerably in the millennium because there will be no deaths or diseases. The promise by God to Abraham that he will be the father of children whose number is comparable to the stars will be fulfilled. Refer to Genesis 15:5

The rapture of the church will take place during or before the 1,260 days begin, and the believers left behind and do not receive the mark of the Antichrist, will join the raptured ones in heaven. Unfortunately, their heads will be cut off before they are rescued. The world population opposed to the Lord Jesus and have taken the mark of the beast (Antichrist) will be annihilated during the battle of Armageddon.

The raptured ones and the Old Testament saints will return accompanied by the Lord Jesus Christ to assist him to rule during the millennium. Abraham and the other patriarchs and leaders will be rewarded during this exciting time of the millennium. Real peace and prosperity (utopia) will be the order of the day. The deceiver will be in jail and so there will be no contact with the inhabitants of the earth.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit!  Open the eyes of those who believe and teach that God no longer deals with the Jews. 


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