Wednesday 22 October 2014


REF: Exodus 1:16-17 & Matthew 2:16-17

‘When you help the Hebrew women in childbirth and observe them on the delivery stool, if it is a boy, kill him, but if it is a girl, let her live.” The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. Ex. 1:16-17

When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, according with the time he had learned from the Magi. Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: “A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning …………………………………. Matthew 2:16-17


Population control did not begin yesterday. It was there even in the ancient Egypt and the biblical times as can be seen in the above scriptures. The Red Indians and the Aborigines of America and Australia respectively were subjected to inhuman conditions which lead to massive deaths which drastically reduced their growing populations. The number of the Red Indians in North, South and Central America was estimated at 100 million when the Europeans begun to settle there. Today, their number is hardly half of the estimated number. Population control methods were applied and the goal was achieved.

Dear esteemed readers, the midwives of Egypt are still around and continue to take orders from the king. They are the current scientists who develop suspicious vaccines and viruses in the labs and some doctors who defend the diseases rather than people who will get sick and die. They are not in health but disease business. For the last two weeks, the infamous tetanus vaccine has been discussed by both religious leaders and medical professionals in a poor African country. No solution has been arrived at, but the targeted people know something is amiss. 

The whole world is involved in population control in many different ways. Think of wars and conflicts, climate change advocacy and the famous evolution theory which is taught in schools as truth.  All these activities and many others including gay lifestyle are for population control. The theory of evolution is exploited fully in redefining human life making it look like nothing more than animal life or machines and therefore can be terminated at will.

The not very well known policy of zero growth is meant to slowdown any economic growth in the world. They use global warming as an excuse for cutting down production by killing industries. Unemployment and other forms of frustrations, especially to the youth to make them delay in getting married, and therefore reduce fertility rate, are ushered in everywhere on daily basis. The youth blame leaders for  unemployment and lack of other means of earning their livelihoods, from one election to the next, but nothing changes.

Anything done to raise production of food such as construction of dams for irrigation water, is fought right and left and finally the project collapses. Corruption and disputes with the local people are encouraged by individuals or groups connected to those behind population control.

Human life is sacred despite the notion that childbearing is today taken as a burden. The first human being on earth was created by God in His own image and was bestowed with abilities and powers to perform nearly everything. He was initially created to live forever although God has not changed His mind. Human beings are of a type of their own and no crossover has ever occurred. No human being has originated from monkeys and Africa is not the cradle of human beings. Those who have tried to mix a donkey and a horse have been disappointed because what is produced cannot reproduce itself. The same happens in the case of plants. The GM plants do not reproduce themselves.

Human life must be protected at all cost because it is precious. Can anybody imagine a world without the human resource?


Almighty God! Please intervene and protect human life which is being endangered daily.   

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