Thursday 23 October 2014


REF: Luke 22:31-32 (NLT)

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to have you, to sift you like wheat, but I have pleaded in prayer for you that your faith should not completely fail. So that when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen and build up the faith of your brothers”.


Like the case of Job, Satan the accuser of brethren (AOB) has an access to heaven. That gives him a chance to accuse us to God when we have sinned knowingly or unknowingly. Even when we have not committed any sin, Satan as in the case of Job, may incite God by claiming that we obey Him not because of loving Him, but because of prosperity and protection accorded to us by the same God. 

The above scriptures indicate that Satan asked for permission to attack Simon and it was granted. God in his divine wisdom allowed this for the benefit of Simon. Indeed, Simon was sifted like wheat but his faith did not completely fail because the Lord had prayed for him. Simon then repented and turned to God again. He regained his faith and therefore, his strength. He was, in turn able to strength the others.

The prayer for Simon not to fail completely was offered by Jesus to the Father and as usual it was heard. He recovered and went on with his work of encouraging others.

 Problems are capable of killing faith completely even to men like Simon Peter, but with the promise by Jesus to intervene in the midst of suffering, all ends well.
The solution is repentance and turning to Jesus again. It should be noted that Jesus being God would have prevented the suffering Simon went through but he was not planning to do that for a good reason. Simon was a student (disciple) of the Lord Jesus and was required to face adversity so that in future he could tackle any problem. Likewise, all believers are disciples of Jesus and therefore are to face problems for a good reason.

Problems although painful and stressful, and are capable of causing failure in our faith, can also be used to achieve growth of the same faith. God does not want baby believers but seasoned warriors able to do exploits and achieve much in the ministries they are involved in.


The Lord Jesus Christ! Train me in order to become like you.

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