Monday 6 October 2014


REF: Psalms 91:5-6

You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.


About six weeks ago, I watched an interview where a WHO virologist was explaining the origin of Ebola virus. He said the virus has been in Africa for about three million years. He used the theory of evolution to explain, yet as a scientist he knows very well that evolution is still a theory not yet proved scientifically. His reason is perhaps to confuse people about the origin of Ebola. Is this not just like another HIVAIDS virus whose origin is officially concealed?

On top of the advice from the above scriptures, that we should not fear the terror of night or the arrow that flies by day, the bible is very clear about everything done in secret; that it will be exposed in future for all to see.

It is an open secret that a lot of money has been released in the world to be spent in population control programmes. Well known personalities are hired to popularize the programmes by pretending to be doing development work. They hide behind NGOs thinking they are doing a favour to mankind. We shall reap what we are sowing.

Major diseases have altered history of mankind world-over in the past. Ebola is expected to do even more because it kills up to 80% of it’s victims and the fact that no known cure has been “discovered”. Now that it is likely to coincide with the dreaded dollar clash. The one world government is most likely to arise. The entire world will change forever.

The scriptures under reference calls the likes of Ebola; pestilence that stalks in the darkness and the plague that destroys at midday. This is a very good description of the disease yet these words were written about two thousand years ago. We are advised not to fear the terror to come as a result of the deadly disease. The living God will protect us. Perhaps not all will be protected, but majority will. That is what has happened in the past calamities, including the holocaust.

People reading this article may wonder why God does not protect all human beings yet he made them in his image. We cannot question God. We are his creation and we belong to him. He has the right to do anything with us. However, it must be explained that man is a free moral being who must decide on his own, whatever he wishes. The consequences will follow later. He is free to choose between God and Satan, who to follow. Unfortunately, from the beginning man chose to follow Satan and continues to take orders from him. Even the order to kill other human beings using diseases, war and religion.

Due to this freedom of choice, man is responsible for all his actions. He may not be punished in this age but the next. The Bible says it is appointed for man to die once and then to face judgment.


Holy Spirit! Make us strong in order to escape the wrath of Ebola.