Friday 6 June 2014


REFERENCE: Mark 5:9-13

Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name? V.9a

………………..The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned. V.13b

COMMENT: Jesus Christ came a long way in a rough sea to minister to one man with an evil spirit that was calling itself Legion, because it comprised many demons. The man had gone through hell for a long time until Jesus appeared and changed the situation. The man was beyond help from anybody except Jesus.

In ministering to the wild man, Jesus had a short discussion with the demons and agreed to send them to two thousand pigs grazing nearby. The pigs rushed down to the lake immediately the demons were sent to them. The delivered man sat there dressed up and in the right mind. When the villagers came and saw what had happened, they were afraid, shocked and sand about the loss the pigs, and as a result they asked Jesus to leave their region.

A loss of two thousand pigs was experienced that day by the villagers hence their unwillingness to let Jesus (The author of life) to remain in their area any longer. If the cost of one pig is put at USD. 2,000, I estimate the monetary value of the 2,000 pigs today would be about USD. 4 million.

In fact a human being is worthy more than these pigs. He cannot be valued in monetary terms although this is what it cost the villagers, to deliver the man. The cost of Jesus’ travel in the troubled sea is not even taken into consideration. God values his creation and takes it as a very serious crime when the life of one, is terminated.

Let us not count the cost of winning souls of men and delivering them from the satanic slavery. We are always to give our resources for God’s work and we shall also be blessed.

The human being is made in the image of God and his abilities have no limit. Just look around and see what he has achieved in IT, medicine, engineering, and research, just to mention a few.

PRAYER: God Almighty! Have mercy on us always.

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