Thursday 12 June 2014


REFERENCE: Isaiah 9:7, 1 Peter 3:22

Of the increase of his government and peace, there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. Isa 9:7

Who has gone into heaven and is at God’s hand – with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him. 1Pet 3:22

COMMENT:  Jesus Christ is the king now and forever. The Bible says He will rule on David’s throne forever. He is, in several occasions addressed to as the “son of David”. Two blind men addressed him as such and he stopped and healed them immediately. (See Matthew 20:31). He was also addressed in the same way by the crowd as he entered Jerusalem.  They shouted, “Hosanna to the son of David”. Without knowing, they were prophesying about his millennial rule from the kingly city of Jerusalem. (See Matthew 21:9)

Jesus’ rule in his kingdom will begin in the millennium (1000 years) and continue to the New Jerusalem and also new earth and new heaven.  The Bible says, “to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”.

During the millennium, the world will be almost the way it is today. Jesus will descend with the Old Testament saints and the raptured saints. All including Jesus, will have the resurrection bodies which are supernatural. A body similar to what Jesus had when he rose from the dead – he would enter a house when the doors were still closed. They will assist Jesus in running the world.

The Jews will arrive from the hiding places and continue to dwell on the earth. They will be scattered all over the world which will be devoid of any other nations because at Armageddon all those living, will be involved in the war and will be annihilated so as to end the war. The Antichrist and his False Prophet will be thrown in the lake of fire. Satan will be imprisoned in the bottomless pit.

The millennial kingdom will be the utopia the world has longed for many years. War, famine, death and suffering of any nature will completely be unknown. Man will prosper and reproduce in a big way. The books of Isaiah and Psalms are full of information regarding the millennium and therefore reading with a discerning mind, a lot will be understood.

The good news to all especially the Jews, is that during the millennial kingdom, all the Jews who were brutally murdered and dumped in trenches in Europe, during the Second World War, will be revived hence the written prophesy on the dry bones. I am sure the bones of those murdered are not rotten and even if they are, God is able to revive them.

Prophet Ezekiel, according to chapter 37 of his book, witnessed the revival of the dry bones. God encourages the prophet’s participation in the revival by commanding him to prophesy and what he said happened. The bones came together, gained flesh and then life. It will be noted that finally, the revived people stand upon their feet, and they are a fast army. (See verse 10 of chapter 37).

I know Abraham will be delighted to see this vast army because it will be as huge as he was promised in Genesis 15:5. Those the Antichrist will have killed during his evil reign will also be raised and join those arriving from the hiding place.  Many others will be raised from all over the world and the panorama will be witnessed by both the Old Testament and the raptured saints.  All will gather to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. (See Revelation 12: 6)

According to Genesis 50:25, Joseph in Egypt knew something about the revival and so he ordered that his bones be carried to Canaan. Expectation of the revival is also expressed in Matthew 27:52 and 53 when revived holy people walked out of their tombs around Jerusalem and were seen walking in the city after the resurrection of Jesus.

By the end of the millennium, the Jews will have received all that was promised. They will be waiting to enter eternity which is the final and everlasting Canaan. Only those who will choose to follow and honour the Lord Jesus Christ will enter. None will be forced.

PRAYER: Jehovah God! Please continue to reveal your word to your servants.

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