Saturday 7 June 2014


REFERENCE: Malachi 3:8

“Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me.
 But you ask, How do we rob you?            
 “In tithes and offerings”.

COMMENT: I would like to repeat again and again that the economy of this world is buying and selling BUT the economy of heaven is giving and receiving.

The reason why God demands that we pay our tithes and give our offerings to His church is not that He is poor and needs anything from us. He owns everything on earth including all of us. He wants us to discover the giving principle, run with it, and then He showers blessings to us. This is the only principle God has given to us, and commands us to follow in order to prosper.

Church leaders who have discovered this principle and are teaching their followers, have started to see the changes already taking place in their communities. Churches do not have to rely on income generating projects, instead they should teach people how to give generously and willingly, and wait for God’s blessings. God fulfills His promises. You are free to remind Him to do as He has said, and make sure you have fully acted accordingly on your side. It is a two way traffic.

Do not stop at the tithes and offerings, give to the poor and honour your pledges. As if this is not enough, you are required to give to men and women of God who labour tirelessly in God’s work. This is called planting a seed as promised in Luke 6:38, God will give back more and more than what you have given. What is in your hands now, is the harvest, but the moment you release it, it becomes a seed.

Begin with the little you already have, and continue as God blesses you. Do not listen to the voices of the enemy, who would not like to see you prosper. You are in a spiritual warfare and therefore, fight. Spend quality time in prayer. You will soon win this battle of faith.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! Compel us to give in order to get out of poverty. Make us cheerful givers.

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