Tuesday 3 June 2014

Absolute freedom

"So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
John 8:36

Few people are really living the life of freedom that Jesus purchased for us. Most of us are slaves of something; the unbelievers may be slaves to money and worldly pleasures but even believers are still not living in complete freedom. All of us desire to be free especially from our past. The pain of the past, unforgiveness, and bitterness are the biggest hindrances to freedom that people face both within and without the church.

Bitterness and unforgiveness are traps. They torment people and eat them up inside. Without forgiving, you will never live in freedom but rather, you will be trapped in hurt. Forgiving also includes forgiving yourself for bad decisions and past mistakes. When our heart is pure and we allow forgiveness to flow through us by the strength of God, then we will experience true freedom.

Scripture tells us that when we know the truth, it shall make us free. Jesus did not shed his blood to give us a life of pain and bitterness but rather, one of freedom and great blessings. Forget the past, pick yourself up and move on. He will set you free indeed.

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