Tuesday 5 August 2014


Ref: Matthew 6:10

Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

God’s kingdom has not yet come. God’s will has not yet been done on earth as it is done in heaven. Our prayer is that the kingdom come and God’s will be done soon. The god of this world is now at work and that is Satan who hijacked the dominion and other powers and responsibilities given to Adam. Adam had immense powers and freedom but unfortunately he surrendered everything to Satan and God in His wisdom and justice allowed the situation to remain like that for sometime time. God had created Adam in his image and gave him the freedom to decide whether to follow Him or Satan. He did not withdraw the freedom and therefore Satan benefited but his power is limited to a certain extent.

The kingdom of God is coming soon and therefore we must continue to pray that it comes. God can usher in the kingdom without man’s involvement, but He has chosen to involve us in making it to come. The Bible says that God has always involved His people in what he does on earth.

This world is not our home; we are just passing through. When God establishes His kingdom after defeating Satan and throwing him in the eternal lake of fire, He will establish His eternal kingdom and that time “His Will” will be done on earth and in heaven. “His will”, which will have begun to operate in the millennial kingdom, will continue in the New Jerusalem and outside the City.

PRAYER: Come, Lord Jesus! MARANATHA!!

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