Saturday 9 August 2014


Ref: John 3:16

“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”

The major word here is gave.  God the Father set the ball rolling by initiating the concept of “giving”. This is not just any giving.  It is the giving of the best and the only one Son. He gave him away in order to gain more sons whom the evil one had stolen. By this one gift, the Son bought us at a price and we also became God’s sons. The promised children of Abraham will be like the stars or the sand in the sea beaches in the near future. Genesis 15:5, 17:4.

We are not just the creation of God, but we are more than His workmanship. We are created in His image and when we believed in Jesus Christ we received the power to be God’s children. We are also the righteousness of God. Now we are closer to God than we were before Jesus Christ died for us on the cross. The death on the cross is the greatest thing that has ever happened to humankind in this world.

God’s giving benefited mankind as a whole. All that is needed is our faith in the completed work done on the cross of Calvary.

Holy Spirit! Continue to educate us about giving everything to God and fellow human beings in order to gain even more.

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