Monday 11 August 2014


REF: Romans 12:8
……………if it is encouraging, let him encourage, if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously, ………………..

COMMENT: Born again Christians are given different spiritual gifts by God. Contributing to the needs of others is a very important gift of the Spirit and here we are urged to give “the gift of giving” a priority. We cannot help, but to give so that we can receive. God has made it a rule to all human beings to give to others so that the society can survive.

Although giving is a spiritual gift, nobody is exempted from giving.  Likewise, in evangelism, no born again Christian is exempted from leading a non believer to Christ. In the same way, you do not have to have the gift of celibacy to stay away from fornication. We are all expected to act according to God’s law. The Ten Commandments must be obeyed whether we have the gifts or not. The gifts are given so that we can do more than the ordinary people.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit! We thank you for your gifts to men of God in order to do more in God’s kingdom than ordinary men.

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