Saturday 9 August 2014

Digital Tattoes To Unlock Your Phone

Should you so wish, you can now forget about securing your mobile phone by using a password or passcode that you need to always remember. Google and Motorola have partnered together to get you a memory free and more secure alternative: a digital tattoo (placed on the lower part of your arm, close to your wrist) that simply unlocks your phone once you place your phone on it. This feature is currently available for users of Motorola’s ‘Moto-X’ mobile phone brand.

In an analysis of this recent development, quotes Motorola’s announcement of this new technology “brought to life for Moto X by Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects group and VivaLnk Inc.” The company further explains: "…made of super thin, flexible materials, based on VivaLnk's eSkinTM technology, each digital tattoo is designed to unlock your phone with just a touch of your Moto X to the tattoo, no passwords required. The nickel-sized tattoo is adhesive, lasts for five days, and is made to stay on through showering, swimming, and vigorous activities like jogging. And it’s beautiful -- with a shimmering, intricate design".

According to, the digital tattoos ($10 for a pack of 10) contain a near field communication (NFC) chip. NFC is a wireless transmission standard that allows small packets of information—an identification code, in this case—to pass between devices over short distances using very little power. Linking a digital tattoo to a phone is fairly simple. Once the Moto X’s internal NFC radio detects a new tattoo, it initiates a quick setup. Users repeat this process every time they change their tattoo.

VivaLnk spokesperson Jason Li says that the digital tattoo is safer and more reliable than biometric systems, such as Apple’s Touch ID. “The error rate is much higher compared to that of NFC. The other fundamental thing about biometric information is that if it’s stolen or hacked, you can never recover it…if you lost an NFC ID, you can simply change it to a different ID. It’s like if you lose a credit card, you can cancel it anytime.” Li also points out that there are inherent hardware costs associated with biometric systems that the digital tattoo avoids. “If you’re talking about fingerprint scanners or iris scanners, you have additional costs…Most phones today already have NFC functionality. Our system lowers the cost for the average consumer.”

Nothing really groundbreaking in terms of innovation or from a pioneering standpoint, as similar biometric systems have been in place, undergoing development for the past few decades. What is more noteworthy and of greater significance is that eventually, the tattoo’s functionality might even stretch beyond simple unlocking to include other applications, such as payment authorization. Li admits as much and is further quoted as stating that “It could be a type of double insurance…When you have a high-value payment, you might want to scan the tattoo on your arm.”

A tattoo that allows payment authorization does sound very much like a potential “mark of the beast” application. In the Bible, Revelation Chapter 13:16-17 gives a prophetic warning of a biometric financial system that will require everyone in the world to wear a permanent mark on their right hand or forehead, without which they will not be able to buy or sell. Every individual taking this mark will be doomed to hell, as it is essentially a mark of worship and allegiance to Satan and his demonic economic system of provision. This will be the greatest rip-off ever: the exchange of one’s priceless eternal soul in exchange for a few more short days of provision and convenience on this earth.

However, the Moto-X tattoo may not fit the bill just yet, as it is evidently temporary. But as explains, this can simply be the first step in desensitizing consumers to the concept of permanent tattoos or implantable NFC chips for phone unlocking. The report also says that VivaLnk spokesperson Jason Li hinted that more complicated (biometric) tracking methods might be on the horizon—though he can’t say what they are just yet. He estimates that a prototype of this next model will be ready within six months.

How long will it be before mankind is in for its nastiest and most dangerous biometric surprise yet? It is just a matter of time, and all indications are that it could happen much sooner than most may believe or expect.

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