Saturday 16 August 2014


REF: Luke: 4:6-7 (NIV)

And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours.

COMMENT: Satan full of pride is tempting Jesus and claims to own authority and splendor of the whole world and can give them to Jesus. How did Satan acquire all that? Is he telling the truth? Why did Jesus not dispute Satan’s statement?

Jesus according to the recorded information in the Bible does not let anyone get away with wrong statements or lies. Here we note that Jesus seems to agree with Satan. If this is the case, then the claim that he has authority in the world is true. How did he acquire the authority and from who?

The Bible in chapter 3 of the book of Genesis states that Adam and his wife Eve fell as a result of Satan’s deception which led them to eating the forbidden fruit. God created Adam in his image and gave him authority and dominion in the world.  He also gave him the freedom to choose whether to follow Him or Satan. Unfortunately, Adam chose to follow Satan by obeying him in eating the fruit. God did not withdraw the freedom because from the beginning, He wanted a man who could think independently. This freedom or self-determination is essential to man but it ushered in all the chaos we face in the world today.

Not that God did not love Adam. He loved him so much but did not want or intend to make him a puppet. He needed an independent creature very much like him not only in his looks but also in his nature; able to think freely and carry out his plans without God’s interference. Independence or freedom makes us human and when it is denied man is not complete and will even fight for it. Just observe young children fighting for their freedom.

John 3:16 states that God loved the world and gave His only son so that whoever believes (decides) in him will not perish but inherit eternal life. It is out of their freewill or self-determination, they will enter heaven. He is God of love and also believes in human rights; He will hardly force anyone to do anything that may violate their rights. He cannot even force you to enter heaven if that is not your chosen destination.

Revelation 20:7-10 states that Satan will be released for a short time to test (deceive) those who will have gone through the millennial kingdom (1000) years  when Satan will be in jail and therefore will have had no chance to be tempted. Please note that God will do the same thing he has done to all human beings. He will allow the generations born during the millennium to decide whether to continue in the government of the Lord Jesus Christ or go to the devil in hell.

Freedom of choice is a fearful responsibility and all adults of sound mind and age of accountability must face it and exercise the same. Either heaven or hell is yours for the asking. 

PRAYER: Thanks God Almighty, for creating us free to decide. Teach us to choose the Lord Jesus Christ.

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