Friday 7 November 2014


REF: Matthew 16:2-4

He replied, “When evening comes you say, “It will be fair weather, for the sky is red, and in the morning,  “Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast. You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation look for miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Jesus then left them and went away.

These days, man is looking for miracles in order to believe what the preachers teach. Any preacher whether he preaches the truth according to the bible or not, will be followed everywhere as long as he is demonstrating some miracles. People will not care about his character. All they will be concerned about is what they can receive from him and the preacher’s concern is the money he is able to collect from the people following him.

Martin Luther the German reformer questioned the Roman Church’s practice of asking for payment for prayers to enable their dead relatives to be transferred from purgatory to heaven. Let it be noted here that purgatory does not exist as far as the bible is concerned. Perhaps it is derived from traditions like the purported existence of a mother in heaven. Purgatory was created by the Vatican for purposes of fundraising and it worked for some time. When Martin Luther, a priest in the same church, questioned the evil practice, a path for the creation of the protestant movement all over the world was created.

Jesus addressing the religious leaders of his day (Pharisees and Sadducees) who demanded to see a sign from heaven told them to do what they always did when forecasting the weather. He concluded by telling them not to expect any other miraculous sign except that of Jonah. Jonah was swallowed by a whale and remained in the belly of the big fish for three days and was vomited on dry land breathing and willing to go where God had sent him.

The sign of Jonah is likened to what Christ did while on earth. He was killed on the cross and was buried but rose again the third day. That is the most important sign because it provided the only way to eternal life. Miracles like healing, prosperity and even calling fire from heaven, cannot provide eternal life unless one makes another step to receive Jesus as their personal saviour. Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and therefore to establish a firm and personal relationship with him is profitable forever.

Man must stop asking for a sign because the most important sign has been given by Jesus himself. He is the only son of God and came into the world for a very important purpose. He came to save that which was lost and to sustain salvation by his grace. All he demands is faith in him and so we become his righteousness. We shall no longer live by the law because it is not possible. He is our righteousness and has taken residence in us.

MARANATHA!! Come Lord Jesus.

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