Thursday 6 November 2014


REF: Luke 12:2-3

There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the housetops.

There are thousands of conspiracy theories in the entire world today in all fields especially politics and leadership. Leadership is defined as influence and it is nothing less, and nothing more. For that reason, if one has a hidden agenda, they will try all they can to influence the other leaders and therefore rule the entire world. One may ask, why rule the world? 

The need to influence the whole world may appear not as important but if Satan is the god of this age as demonstrated in the last article, and confirmed by the bible, then the need to keep the world under him giving orders, is of paramount importance.

The other reason is the wealth of this world. Satan will control the entire world economy and therefore the people. In Matthew 4:8 and 9, Satan promised to give Jesus, “all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.”

As can now be seen, conspiracy theory is spiritual and it is expressed in the physical realm. Take the popular case of the landing on the moon in 1969 which actually never took place, but the world was made to believe a lie. The deception was well organized by Americans to show their supremacy. It cost billions of dollars and it has not been repeated and may never be attempted again unless something is done to the heavy radiation all around the moon's atmosphere. See well researched documentary in YOUTUBE.

The issue of who rules the world is discussed in numerous forums and the fact that many people are aware of one or two secret societies, it is as if nothing is abnormal. People are ignorant of many powerful groups that control and run the entire world. These are super rich and faceless human beings working in well organized network and are capable of doing anything to achieve their goals.

It must be noted that these are the people who will be used by the dreaded Anti-Christ to achieve his goals. His rule is coming soon but the Lord Jesus Christ will follow soon afterwards and will defeat the Anti-Christ and establish the millennial kingdom of hope for both born -again Christians and the Jews. It will be a time of the longed for utopia and the fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Eternity will begin soon after the 1000 years of the Lord Jesus’ rule. He will rule from the city of Jerusalem. No wonder Jerusalem is the most contentious property on earth.

MARANATHA!! Come Lord Jesus.

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