Monday 24 November 2014


REFERENCE: Romans 8:10
But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness.

The difference between the born-again Christian and the one not yet born-again is clearly demonstrated in the above scripture under reference. The difference is “living because of righteousness” and “dead because of sin”. Born-again means the spirit is living but the body is dead.

Those who have received Jesus and have allowed him to dwell in their hearts as Lord and Saviour are therefore born-again in spirit. Their inner man, the spirit is quickened which means they are made alive and therefore have two entities: the physical one which can be seen and the unseen one which is the spirit. There are essentially two people in one and they affect one another.  At death, the two are however separated. The physical one ceases to exist but the spiritual one continues to live. He is not capable of dying because he is part of God. God is the creator of life and therefore cannot die.

While alive physically, the individual has the freedom to choose whether to obey God or not. He has a special relationship with God began when he accepted Jesus as his Lord. The special relationship can be affected by sin but God has provided a remedy in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Repentance and a request to God to be forgiven are the requirements. The cordial relationship is then restored and continuation is guaranteed.

The born-again Christian who does not engage in trying to do the work already completed by Jesus Christ knows the law kills but the Spirit gives life. He will not depend on the law because nobody can fulfill the law. He rests on the work done and completed at the Calvary cross. He knows that God will not be impressed by doing what is already done. The answer to legalistic prayer will not be heard because the law was meant to show that man cannot obey however he may try and for that reason Jesus came and did what we could not do for ourselves.

Thanks to God for making us in His image and Jesus Christ for doing all that was needed for our salvation. Nothing else was acceptable except the blood of Jesus. Come Lord Jesus. We need you!!

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