Monday 2 February 2015


REFRENCE: Philippians 3:20-21, Ephesians 2:6

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a saviour from there the Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body. (Phil 3:20-21

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms. (Eph 2:6)

Time and space cannot restrict God. The bible says, to God, one day is equal to 1000 years and the same number of years is equal to one day. He sees from the beginning to the end. The end is as real as the beginning and to Him. This is further explained that our ways are not God’s ways.  He finishes a project before He starts working on it.

Our bodies are restricted by time and space because we are human. We cannot be in two places at the same time physically, but we can, spiritually. That is the reason why we claim to be in heaven seated with Jesus right now, and yet we are on earth. Anyway, we are not God and therefore we cannot fully understand His ways.

God created us in His image and provided all we shall need in eternity. He made sons and daughters to live with him forever. He gave away his only son in order to regain us, after the loss he suffered when we fell from grace as a result of excising our God given human-right to choose, even to disobey God. We were then given the privilege of becoming sons exactly like Jesus Himself. In His ways, He did the work and finished it even before He started. He placed us in heaven and we sat with Jesus on the right hand of God, spiritually. In spirit we are just as God is, hence, God’s command that we worship Him in spirit and in truth.

We are on earth with bodies that are restricted but the real we, i.e. spiritual sons of God are already in heaven. We are not only, the physical body that experiences hardships and sin but also the heavenly people of God waiting to fully experience the presence of the Almighty. Our lives are hidden in Christ Jesus and that is why righteousness and holiness are our identity right now.

This issue is difficult to understand as long as we remain physical (flesh, blood and bones). We have to see ourselves as spiritual (Zoe). That invisible part, yet very real. Some writers have said it is more real than the physical we know. Ask the non-believers in witchcraft, and they will wonder how ignorant you are. They see and visit the evil spiritual world often, at will. They know about our loving and godly spiritual world, how powerful it is, and wonder why we fail to understand and embrace it.

The three faculties of the spirit (Zoe) are intuition, conscience and worship. Intuition means ability to sense God’s existence; conscience is the sense of right and wrong and worship means adoration for God. Animals do not have these faculties and the reason is that they were not created in the image of God. They do not need to sense the existence of God, by instinct know what is wrong or right and then worship God. When they die, they are gone forever unlike mankind who must face judgment.

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