Thursday 12 February 2015


REF: Genesis 2:15-16 (NIV)

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die”.

Adam was created not a puppet or a robot as many mistakenly think. God made Adam a free moral driving force with a body (flesh, bones and blood), soul (emotion, will and intellect) and spirit (conscience, worship and intuition). The soul exists as a result of the mixture of the body and the spirit. NB. To get ink, you have to mix powder with water and what you get is no longer powder and water, but ink. The body originated from the dust (soil) from the ground and returns to the same earth when the spirit is separated from the body at death. The soul as a result of the separation of body and spirit ceases to exist. The spirit which comes from God continues to exist and may dwell in either heaven or hell depending on the relationship established in physical life on earth.

The decision as to where the spirit (spiritual man) will dwell after this life, entirely depends on the individual. The decision is made on earth while we are still breathing and the process is well documented in the holy bible. The verdict is part of the innate freedom Adam was anointed with, at creation and is inherited by all mankind. The informed freedom to choose is, basic to both men and women, living on earth today. It must be noted carefully that choices have consequences hence the concept of heaven and hell. Hell exists for the benefit of Satan and his angels, but unfortunately, even those who have chosen not to have anything to do with God, have a take.

This freedom of choice to either obey God or Satan, is the same human right we demand on earth daily, and is inclined in most constitutions in democratic countries. Where the rights are denied, dictatorship follows and innocent people suffer. Dictatorship whether socialist, communism or any other form, are always short-lived. Think of Russia, China or Islamic Shelia countries, where many human lives have been lost in the name of maintaining control of the people, and therefore blatantly denying human rights. It does not matter how long the denial of these rights may take, one day the fight to regain the lost rights is won.

These human rights are not only a bother to the often hard and difficult leaders. God is also bothered by the same human rights which, in his wisdom, he granted as He created free moral agents and not robots. See Genesis 6:3 and note God’s words, “I will not contend with man forever…….”

In conclusion, man must note that he has a lot of power and freedom given by God. He can use these for his good or for his destruction. The bible is the only book on earth offering the best solution.

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