Wednesday 18 February 2015


REFERENCE: 1Thessalonians 5:16-18, Philippians 4:4-5

Rejoice always,
Pray without ceasing,
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1Thess 5:16-18)

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say rejoice!
Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.(Phil 4:4-5)


The subtitle of today’s word can be summarized in the following way: “Instructions for holy living and peace with the Lord”. The words are rich and have real power that actually works. In faith I have often applied them in difficult circumstances and they have worked wonderfully to my advantage. I have experienced peace in bad traffic jam in Nairobi and have reached my destination still peaceful despite the lost time that may never be recovered.

In arguments, I hardly get annoyed if in the process, I pray silently for peace of mind giving thanks for whatever is happening. Immediately I pray, I then begin to experience some peace which cannot be explained. Thanks to the Lord Jesus, is a good defense mechanism and an exceptional weapon for spiritual warfare. The devil fears this weapon and quickly withdraws from whatever attack he may be trying to use to inflict pain or suffering. Following the success, then I am able to rejoice and give more thanks. As result, my mind is renewed and I am able to endure anything and I easily achieve my goals.

All the words of God, especially the written ones, are important for our living. The bible says the word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword and is able to penetrate even to dividing soul and spirit……. (Hebrew 4:12). The word works in our hearts just as Jesus himself does. Jesus is the word and the same word is him. Your word and you are one and the same. The court of law recognizes this. Imagine stating something in court and then change your mind and say you are joking. This kind of behavior will earn you punishment for committing crime of perjury.

It may be difficult or impossible to thank God for everything that may cause pain and suffering in life. May I request that you do a test to the word of God. The bible says in Malachi 3:10; “Test me in this, ”says the Lord…………

Take a step of faith and test God as his word says and you will prove God right in his promises. He will honour his word to all who are waiting, trusting him.

Thursday 12 February 2015


REF: Genesis 2:15-16 (NIV)

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die”.

Adam was created not a puppet or a robot as many mistakenly think. God made Adam a free moral driving force with a body (flesh, bones and blood), soul (emotion, will and intellect) and spirit (conscience, worship and intuition). The soul exists as a result of the mixture of the body and the spirit. NB. To get ink, you have to mix powder with water and what you get is no longer powder and water, but ink. The body originated from the dust (soil) from the ground and returns to the same earth when the spirit is separated from the body at death. The soul as a result of the separation of body and spirit ceases to exist. The spirit which comes from God continues to exist and may dwell in either heaven or hell depending on the relationship established in physical life on earth.

The decision as to where the spirit (spiritual man) will dwell after this life, entirely depends on the individual. The decision is made on earth while we are still breathing and the process is well documented in the holy bible. The verdict is part of the innate freedom Adam was anointed with, at creation and is inherited by all mankind. The informed freedom to choose is, basic to both men and women, living on earth today. It must be noted carefully that choices have consequences hence the concept of heaven and hell. Hell exists for the benefit of Satan and his angels, but unfortunately, even those who have chosen not to have anything to do with God, have a take.

This freedom of choice to either obey God or Satan, is the same human right we demand on earth daily, and is inclined in most constitutions in democratic countries. Where the rights are denied, dictatorship follows and innocent people suffer. Dictatorship whether socialist, communism or any other form, are always short-lived. Think of Russia, China or Islamic Shelia countries, where many human lives have been lost in the name of maintaining control of the people, and therefore blatantly denying human rights. It does not matter how long the denial of these rights may take, one day the fight to regain the lost rights is won.

These human rights are not only a bother to the often hard and difficult leaders. God is also bothered by the same human rights which, in his wisdom, he granted as He created free moral agents and not robots. See Genesis 6:3 and note God’s words, “I will not contend with man forever…….”

In conclusion, man must note that he has a lot of power and freedom given by God. He can use these for his good or for his destruction. The bible is the only book on earth offering the best solution.

Tuesday 10 February 2015


Colossians 3:1-4, Romans 12:2, Matthew 12:35, 22:36-37, 2 Corinthians 4:16 

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory Col 3:1-4

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans12:2

 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart[a] brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. Matthew 12:35

 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:36-37

 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Cor 4:16 (niv)


Renewing of the mind is a process and a long one – a lifetime activity to be undertaken by all serious Christians. It is undertaken by individuals in an effort to become mature disciples of Jesus Christ.

Immediately after salvation, the mind must be renewed. The natural mind is hostile to God as the bible says, and therefore must be forced to adjust to the written word of God. Cooperation is required from the believer if he has to grow up in faith. The word of God must become a daily song to be meditated always. As Dr Creflo Dollar often says, “if  you know how to worry, then you know how to meditate”. The bible urges that we meditate on the word of God. Not yoga meditation, as taught by the Eastern Religions that do the opposite of mind renewal.

Renewal of the mind, must be given the prominence it requires in the life of a born again Christian, in order to achieve the desired goal. Remember, the word “Christian” means one who is becoming the same as Christ.

Renewing of the mind, is like the training of a sports person who intends to win in a major sports competition. He trains daily and even employs a coach. It appears as life and death matter. His appropriate attitude makes winning even easier. Paul has more than once used athletics to illustrate this Christian essential practice.

Mind renewal is second to salvation in the life of a Christian. While salvation is achieved through faith in the unmerited favour (grace) by God, and no effort by man, mind renewal must be done by a Christian himself. God has only provided the written word and occasionally communicates a rhema word.

A Christian is expected to be transformed by the word of God which must be read and put into practice. One must think differently and not always be influenced by what they hear in the news in the media. Extreme and inciting information such as pornography and hate materials must be avoided at any cost if our mind is to be renewed. The bible says that we have to fix our eyes on things above not things on the earth.

Likewise, we have to know and understand that we died with Christ when he died on the cross and our lives are hidden with Christ in God.( Colossians 3:3) That means we are completely transformed spiritually and therefore we should operate at a level higher than ordinary people.

Let it be noted here and now, that those willing to renew their mind will achieve success in life. They are the ones who are waiting for the Lord and will fly high like eagles and will not get tired. They will prosper in all things and be in health, just as their soul prospers.(3 John 2)

Saturday 7 February 2015

The Death Of The American Dream In Numbers

February 03, 2015 | Michael Snyder
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We are the generation that gets to witness the end of the American Dream. The numbers that you are about to see tell a story. They tell a story of a once mighty economy that is dying. For decades, the rest of the planet has regarded the United States as “the land of opportunity” where almost anyone can be successful if they are willing to work hard.

And when I was growing up, it seemed like almost everyone was living the American Dream. I lived on a “middle class” street and I went to a school where it seemed like almost everyone was middle class.

When I was in high school, it was very rare to ever hear of a parent that was unemployed, and virtually every family that I knew had a comfortable home and more than one nice vehicle. But now that has all changed.

The “American Dream” has been transformed into a very twisted game of musical chairs. With each passing year, more people are falling out of the middle class, and most of the rest of us are scrambling really hard to keep our own places. Something has gone horribly wrong, and yet Americans are very deeply divided when it comes to finding answers to our problems.

We love to point fingers and argue with one another, and meanwhile things just continue to get even worse. The following are 22 numbers that are very strong evidence of the death of the American Dream…

#1 The Obama administration tells us that 8.69 million Americans are “officially unemployed” and that 92.90 million Americans are considered to be “not in the labor force”. That means that more than 101 million U.S. adults do not have a job right now.

#2 One recent survey discovered that 55 percent of Americans believe that the American Dream either never existed or that it no longer exists.

#3 Considering the fact that Obama is in the White House, it is somewhat surprising that 55 percent of all Republicans still believe in the American Dream, but only 33 percent of all Democrats do.

#4 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#5 After adjusting for inflation, “the median wealth figure for middle-income families” fell from $78,000 in 1983 to $63,800 in 2013.

#6 At this point, 59 percent of Americans believe that “the American dream has become impossible for most people to achieve”.

#7 In 1967, 53 percent of Americans were considered to be “middle income”. But today, only 43 percent of Americans are.

#8 For each of the past six years, more businesses have closed in the United States than have opened. Prior to 2008, this had never happened before in all of U.S. history.

#9 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36 percent less than it was worth a decade ago.

#10 According to one recent report, 43 million Americans currently have unpaid medical debt on their credit reports.

#11 Traditionally, owning a home has been one of the key indicators that you belong to the middle class. Unfortunately, the rate of homeownership in the U.S. has now been falling for seven years in a row.

#12 According to a survey that was conducted last year, 52 percent of all Americans cannot even afford the house that they are living in right now.

#13 While Barack Obama has been in the White House, the number of Americans on food stamps has gone from 32 million to 46 million.

#14 The number of Americans on food stamps has now exceeded the 46 million mark for 38 months in a row.

#15 Right now, more than one out of every five children in the United States is on food stamps.

#16 According to a Washington Post article published just recently, more than 50 percent of the children in U.S. public schools now come from low income homes. This is the first time that this has happened in at least 50 years.

#17 According to the Census Bureau, 65 percent of all children in the United States are living in a home that receives some form of aid from the federal government.

#18 In 2008, 53 percent of all Americans considered themselves to be “middle class”. But by 2014, only 44 percent of all Americans still considered themselves to be “middle class”.

#19 In 2008, 25 percent of all Americans in the 18 to 29-year-old age bracket considered themselves to be “lower class”. But in 2014, an astounding 49 percent of all Americans in that age range considered themselves to be “lower class”.

#20 It is hard to believe, but an astounding 53 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year.

#21 According to one recent survey, 62 percent of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

#22 According to CNN, the typical American family can only “replace 21 days of income with readily accessible funds”.

The key to the recovery of the middle class is jobs.

The truth is that without middle class jobs, it is impossible to have a middle class.

Unfortunately, more middle class jobs are being offshored, are being replaced by technology, or are being lost to a slowing economy every single day. The competition for the jobs that remain is incredibly intense. Just consider the following example…

In 2012, Eric Auld, an unemployed 26-year-old with a master’s degree in English, decided to find out what was on the other side of the black hole. He created a fake job ad as an experiment:

Administrative Assistant needed for busy Midtown office. Hours are Monday through Friday, nine to five. Job duties include: filing, copying, answering phones, sending e-mails, greeting clients, scheduling appointments. Previous experience in an office setting preferred, but will train the right candidate. This is a full-time position with health benefits. Please e-mail résumé if interested. Compensation: $12-$13 per hour.

If you have ever applied for a job like that, I offer my condolences. You have better odds at the casino. Auld received 653 responses in 24 hours. 10% of the applicants had more than 10 years of experience, and 3% of them had master’s degrees. Presumably, one of them would get the job. But what does that mean? It means that all the other experienced applicants and master’s degree holders would remain unemployed. That is about 64 experienced workers and about 19 workers with master’s degrees.

So how can we get this turned around?

How can we start to increase the number of middle class jobs in America once again?


Obama's Comparison of Christianity to Radical Islam Defies Logic

By Jonah Goldberg - February 6, 2015

On Tuesday, the so-called Islamic State released a slickly produced video showing a Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a steel cage. On Wednesday, the United Nations issued a report detailing various “mass executions of boys, as well as reports of beheadings, crucifixions of children, and burying children alive” at the hands of the Islamic State.

And on Thursday, President Obama seized the opportunity of the National Prayer Breakfast to forthrightly criticize the “terrible deeds” . . . committed “in the name of Christ.”
“Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history,” Obama said, referring to the ennobling aspects of religion as well as the tendency of people to “hijack” religions for murderous ends.

"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."
Obama’s right. Terrible things have been done in the name of Christianity. I have yet to meet a Christian who denies this.

But, as odd as it may sound for a guy named Goldberg to point it out, the Inquisition and the Crusades aren’t the indictments Obama thinks they are. For starters, the Crusades — despite their terrible organized cruelties — were a defensive war.

“The Crusades could more accurately be described as a limited, belated and, in the last analysis, ineffectual response to the jihad — a failed attempt to recover by a Christian holy war what had been lost to a Muslim holy war,” writes Bernard Lewis, the greatest living English-language historian of Islam.

As for the Inquisition, it needs to be clarified that there was no single “Inquisition,” but many. And most were not particularly nefarious. For centuries, whenever the Catholic Church launched an inquiry or investigation, it mounted an “inquisition,” which means pretty much the same thing.
Historian Thomas Madden, director of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Saint Louis University, writes that the “Inquisition was not born out of desire to crush diversity or oppress people; it was rather an attempt to stop unjust executions.”

In medieval Europe, heresy was a crime against the state, Madden explains. Local nobles, often greedy, illiterate, and eager to placate the mob, gleefully agreed to execute people accused of witchcraft or some other forms of heresy. By the 1100s, such accusations were causing grave injustices (in much the same way that apparatchiks in Communist countries would level charges of disloyalty in order to have rivals “disappeared”).

“The Catholic Church’s response to this problem was the Inquisition,” Madden explains, “first instituted by Pope Lucius III in 1184.”

I cannot defend everything done under the various Inquisitions — especially in Spain — because some of it was indefensible. But there’s a very important point to make here that transcends the scoring of easy, albeit deserved, points against Obama’s approach to Islamic extremism (which he will not call Islamic): Christianity, even in its most terrible days, even under the most corrupt popes, even during the most unjustifiable wars, was indisputably a force for the improvement of man.
Christianity ended greater barbarisms under pagan Rome. The church often fell short of its ideals — which all human things do — but its ideals were indisputably a great advance for humanity. Similarly, while some rationalized slavery and Jim Crow in the U.S. by invoking Christianity, it was ultimately the ideals of Christianity itself that dealt the fatal blow to those institutions. Just read any biography of Martin Luther King Jr. if you don’t believe me.

When Obama alludes to the evils of medieval Christianity, he fails to acknowledge the key word: “medieval.” What made medieval Christianity backward wasn’t Christianity but medievalism.
It is perverse that Obama feels compelled to lecture the West about not getting too judgmental on our “high horse” over radical Islam’s medieval barbarism in 2015 because of Christianity’s medieval barbarism in 1215.

It’s also insipidly hypocritical. President Obama can’t bring himself to call the Islamic State “Islamic,” but he’s happy to offer a sermon about Christianity’s alleged crimes at the beginning of the last millennium.

We are all descended from cavemen who broke the skulls of their enemies with rocks for fun or profit. But that hardly mitigates the crimes of a man who does the same thing today. I see no problem judging the behavior of the Islamic State and its apologists from the vantage point of the West’s high horse, because we’ve earned the right to sit in that saddle.

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