Friday 16 January 2015


Ref: Romans 8:1-2, 4:7-8

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. (Rom 8:1-2)KJV

Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.(Rom 4:7-8) KJV

Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him. (Rom 4:8) NIV

Born-again Christians are addressed as saints and not as sinners in the scriptures. (Rom 1:7). That is what they are. Their sins are forgiven once and for all. Their status cannot change even where they get involved in sin. They may suffer physically for their sin; like the thief on the cross whose legs were broken and he went on to suffer the death in spite of forgiveness when he cried and he was forgiven there and then. He was told by Jesus; “I will be with you in paradise today.”  (Luke 23:42-43) 

The consequences for the sins we may commit after salvation will follow us; but our status will remain unchanged. Keep on preparing to enter heaven but do not make sinning be your habit. You are the righteousness of God and the Holy Spirit is dwelling inside your spirit to advise you. Not to force you in any way. You are a free moral agent able to make independent decisions. Under the law of Moses, you will be told don’t but under the grace, the Holy Spirit will be there to advise. 

A born-again Christian is a saint not a sinner although he may sin either deliberately or otherwise. Likewise, deliberate repentance is necessary and the blood of Jesus will then go to work. (1 John 2:1)

 One does not have to die and then a priest comes declaring him a saint as wrongly taught by some fellows because this is not biblical. It is a misplaced tradition followed by lost millions.

By one man, Adam, human beings are born sinners AND only by one other man, Jesus Christ, they become saints. (Rom 5:19) For a saint, condemnation and feelings of guilt are irrelevant according to the scriptures under reference. We are assured that as long as we walk after the Spirit of God and not the flesh, condemnation and  guilt feelings have no place in our lives. We are under grace, not the Law of Moses. We cannot fulfill the law: only Jesus can, and has done it for us. There is nothing bad with the law but we cannot keep it.  The law was given so that we could learn that we need a saviour and so accept Jesus who fulfilled it wholly. 

The Lord Jesus Christ has done all that is necessary in our lives, here and for our entrance into heaven. We are implored to stop working in order to deserve favour from God because Jesus has done everything. At the cross he said it is finished meaning he had done everything. Our role is just to receive in faith and give thanks in the same faith and non-unbelief.

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