Monday 19 January 2015


REF: Romans 4:3, 5
What does the scripture say?  “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness”. (Rom 4: 3)

However, the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. (Rom 4:5)


“I am the righteousness of God!” This statement is rarely used but that is what we are. As long as we are born again or justified by the Almighty God for believing in the Lord Jesus Christ his only son, who died on the cross for all humanity, we are the righteousness of God.  

If you trust in the same Christ Jesus, you are born-again and therefore, you are also righteous. You are justified like Abraham and the only thing required is to exercise your faith in the finished work by Jesus on the cross. Accept him and allow him to dwell in your heart. Add nothing to that faith. No works in order to please God.  Just trust God to change your status from sinner to righteousness. You are now a child of God; not just a creation but also a child of God made in his image.

After attaining this position of the righteousness of God, you have done the most important thing in the world. Your spirit is regenerated and the deal is complete and cannot be cancelled under whatever circumstances. The sins you may commit cannot make God change his mind because he has already done a more precious thing in purchasing you fully, and placing you at the level of his only son Jesus.

This privileged position of the righteousness and son of God is not a licence to sin.  The bible says those who are in Christ Jesus and walk not in the flesh; but in the Spirit, do not make sinning their habit. However, the bible also says that when sin increases, grace also increases and adds that this situation of continuous sin be forbidden by God.

Man did not become a sinner because of sinning. There is no way he could sin before he was born. However,the bible says he was born a sinner. As soon as he was born; even before he had committed any sin, he was declared a sinner and this label could only be removed by one other man who was born sinless. That is none other than Jesus Christ the son of God. He is the only person who could get man out of sin. A human being must be born-again to benefit from the unique act of Jesus so that his status can change from sinner to saint or righteousness.

A saint’s destination as soon as his name is written in the book of life, is heaven   and his status won’t change to sinner, otherwise Jesus’ work on the cross would be null and void. God cannot allow that to happen. We are on the way to where Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God.  

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