Sunday 1 March 2015


REF: Jeremiah 23:5-6 (NKJV), Romans 3:21-24 (NIV)

Behold the days are coming, says the Lord,
That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness;
A King shall reign and prosper,
And execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.
In his days Judah will be saved,
And Israel will dwell safely;
Now this is his name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (TSIDEKENU) (Jer 23:5-6)

But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. (Romans 3:21-24)


Here the prophet Jeremiah is describing the millennial kingdom (1000 years) of the Lord Jesus Christ’s leadership in the current earth as we know it today. The kingdom will follow the dreaded battle of Armageddon when all the enemies of the Lord Jesus will engage him in a violent battle but will be defeated and eliminated. Jesus will “call fire from heaven”. It will be a nuclear war and the bible says their eyes will melt in the sockets before the bodies of the dead fall down. This will give way to the establishment of the millennial kingdom.

The millennial kingdom will be set up purposely for the benefit of the Jews. I hope we can recall the promises and covenants that God made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but not all the promises have been fulfilled. It will be a special time for God to make real the promises and to reward all the Old Testament saints. They will be raised to life and witness the goodness of God when he will reward them and make them enjoy the millennial kingdom under Jesus as the Wonderful, Counselor and Prince of Peace whose government will be on his shoulders and will never come to an end. (Isaiah 9:6) The Jews will see Jesus whom they rejected the first time he arrived on earth as a baby and was laid in a manger. This time he will be as they expected and so they will receive him, bow down and confess that he is actually the Lord. That day, they will know the truth, and the truth will make them free.

God will begin to deal with his people the Jews. They will know they are actually the apple of God’s eye. The majestic Papa Abraham, the father of faith will be seen physically and admired by all. Starting from Isaac and his son Jacob with his twelve sons, grand-children and all the Jews brought back from the hiding place and from the dead; God will name all of them beneficiaries of what Jesus achieved on the cross of Calvary. They will all be shocked because they did not know God loves them that much.

God will raise to David a branch of righteousness to reign, prosper and execute judgment. This is Jesus, the King who will rule from Jerusalem the city of his earthly father David. His rule fortunately, will be theocratic and not democracy. On earth, we know democracy (majority rule) and we hardly remember that the majority are not always right. The shortcomings of democracy, although it happens to be the best system of government, will be avoided because theocracy is the best system ever seen on earth.

In the millennial kingdom, elections will not be necessary; the king, like in all kingdoms on earth will not need to be elected. He will be king by virtual of his birth. He will command peace and justice for all. The UN, secret societies, MOSSAD and such bodies, will become irrelevant.  Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel Premier) will live in either Jerusalem or any other city in Israel without body-guards because insecurity will be a thing of the past. All enemies will have been eradicated. The wild donkey sons of Ishmael (Genesis 16:12) will be nowhere. The whole world’s weather will be warm days and cool nights i.e. good tropical climate. All residents of the entire world will take orders from King Jesus from Jerusalem. The command-post will in Zion.

The millennial kingdom will be a time of unprecedented prosperity. The words of Elder John the beloved in the short 3rd letter of John verse 2, states the following: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers”. This prophesy and many others will come true in totality. There will be no lack of anything. People will live for up to 1000 years and contrary to the will of Bill Gates and those busy reducing the world population, increase to millions upon millions will be witnessed. The Utopia imagined by Karl Max, Joseph Stalin of Russia, his Chinese brother Mao Zedong and the docile Fidel Castro of Cuba, will become a reality.  The real Canaan will be perceived on the physical earth.

Last year, I wrote and published an article entitled: “Jews have not yet arrived in Canaan”. What I meant is that not all the promises about Canaan have been fulfilled in totality.  The “land of milk and honey” will be fully experienced in the millennial kingdom. God has not yet finished with the Jews as the “know-it-all” Seventh Day Adventists would like us to believe.

Jews!! Don’t give up. You are still the apple of God’s eye. We, of the faith, love you because we know; there would not be Christianity, without the Jews.   We always pray for the peace of Yerusalem as commanded by the Almighty. (Psalms 122:6) SHALOM!!!!

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