Saturday 25 April 2015


Ref: Romans 4:7-8, 2 Corinthians 5:19


To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. (2Cor 5:19) 


The grace of God has been preached since our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead and went to heaven and sat down on the right hand of God the Father and mediates for us. He is our devoted  advocate.

 Grace has not been understood perhaps because of the Law of Moses which no living human being can fully keep. There are more than 600 laws and the bible says if we fail in one, we have failed in all. Grace is the unmerited and undeserved favour from our maker. It is nothing but favoritism by God for all those who have taken informed and firm decision to believe in His salvation. Salvation which is translated from the Greek word zoso does not only mean convert, redeem, saved or having eternal life, but also healthy, prospered, free from evil spirits and not suffering. 

Grace has overtaken the law in that what the law was unable to achieve, grace provided. We no longer live in the law covenant but in the new covenant of grace. The law was given to show us that we need a saviour. The law came with Moses, but grace and truth, came with Jesus. Jesus came to fulfill the law but not to discard it. He did not break any; He kept them all.

In view of the love that God has for us, God extends grace to all human beings, without exception. Those who choose to believe in his only begotten son Jesus Christ, are declared the righteousness of God. See Romans 4:3. He does not force anything to us. He allows us to choose the way we want to go while training us to become obedient always. As long as we do not deny (disown) Jesus Christ, we are still traveling the right direction; we cannot lose our place in heaven.

The fact that God is reconciling us to himself, He will not impute (attribute) sin unto us. He has covered us in the blood of Jesus and so we are clean. His action has taken care of the past, the present and the future sins. It is as if we have never sinned. That is what is meant by Romans 4:9 ,”the Lord will not impute sin”. We are therefore declared righteous (sinless) and so saints while still living on earth. God loves us so much that it is His desire to affirm to us that we are on our way to heaven while on earth. We do not have to die and then a priest comes along, several years later, to declare us saints.

 The frequently used statement that we are sinners saved by grace, is very wrong. It is false humility and wrong according to the word of God.

Finally, it must be noted carefully that grace is NOT a license to sin. The Holy Spirit who dwells in a believer will show him the way out of a sin and will not allow him to continue to enjoy sin. Cooperation is what the Holy Spirit demands. He will not act as a school teacher or a policeman.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Half Of ISIS, Al-Qaida European Fighters From ... France

April 20, 2015 | F. MICHAEL MALOOF
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A French parliamentary investigation found almost half of all the Europeans fighting for ISIS in Iraq and Syria are from France, according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

The study reinforces a French domestic intelligence services report that is monitoring more than 3,000 people suspected of being involved in Syrian networks from France, a 24 percent increase since last November.

The French finding coincides with a new report from European Union Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova that some 6,000 Europeans have joined ISIS.

“At the European level, we estimate that 5,000 to 6,000 individuals have left for Syria,” Jourova told the French newspaper Le Figaro. “At the time of the attacks in Paris and Copenhagen,” she said, “we decided not to allow ourselves to be guided by fear.”

Jourova said the EU wants to prevent the flow and is examining the reasons Europeans join jihadist groups, apart from religious affiliation.

She said that British research has pointed to “a desire for adventure, boredom, dissatisfaction with their situation in life or a lack of prospects” as reasons young people leave their families and go to Syria.

Last month, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere estimated there are some 650 German nationals who have joined ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

After France, the largest number of ISIS recruits come from Germany and Britain, according to the International Centre for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence.

The German domestic intelligence service claims there are an estimated 30 different Islamist groups in the country.

European security services fear the fighters will return to their respective countries to launch attacks.

Such attacks already have occurred.

France, which has the highest concentration of Muslims throughout Europe, was the scene last January of a jihadist attack by three terrorists from ISIS and Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula on the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine and a Jewish delicatessen in Paris.

The attack killed 12 people before the attackers themselves were killed.

The alarm over the growing number of European recruits follows a report by the International Center for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence saying that ISIS and the al-Qaida-affiliated front Jabhat al-Nusra have mobilized more than 20,000 foreign fighters not only from Europe and the United States but from 50 different nations.

The Middle East, which has seen more than 11,000 recruits, remains the dominant source of foreign fighters, with another 3,000 from countries of the former Soviet Union.


Inside The ISIS-U.S. Border Scare

April 20, 2015 | AARON KLEIN
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While U.S. government agencies have strongly denied a Judicial Watch report claiming there are ISIS camps near the U.S. border with Mexico, lawmakers have expressed fears the global jihadist organization is linking up with deadly Mexican drug cartels.

Such a partnership would not only help to facilitate the smuggling of jihadists into the U.S. but could ultimately translate into a devastating terrorist attack on American soil, such as an Electro Magnetic Pulse, or EMP, catastrophe.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Northern Command and the Texas Department of Public Safety all have denied the April 14 Judicial Watch report citing unnamed “sources that include a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector.”

The sources claimed ISIS “has established its base around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as ‘Anapra’ situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.”

Judicial Watch further reported on an ISIS camp west of Juarez, which the organization said was planning to attack towns in New Mexico.

Rep. Beto O’Rourke, D-Texas, said he contacted the Mexican government, DHS and the U.S. Northern Command, all of whom told him they have no intelligence indicating ISIS is operating on the U.S.-Mexico border. O’Rourke represents the border city of El Paso and the surrounding area.

The free WND special report “ISIS Rising,” by Middle East expert and former Department of Defense analyst Michael Maloof, will answer your questions about the jihadist army threatening the West.

“Stories like these are good at scaring people and getting attention for those who spread them,” wrote O’Rourke on his Facebook page. “But they are terrible for the country’s image of the border, for El Paso’s ability to recruit talent, and for our region’s opportunity to capitalize on the benefits of being the largest bi-national community in the world.”

Department of Public Safety Deputy Director Robert J. Bodisch also denied the Judicial Watch claims.

“The Department of Public Safety and its intelligence community partners have no such credible information to corroborate or validate this today,” Bodisch wrote in an agency memo.

It’s not the first Judicial Watch report claiming ISIS was using Mexico as a base to stage attacks in the U.S.

Last August, the watchdog reported “Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle borne improvised explosive devices,” citing anonymous “high-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources.”

In a report that made headlines last October, two Republican lawmakers told BuzzFeed that suspected terrorists had infiltrated the U.S.–Mexico border and as many as 10 jihadists were captured. The DHS at the time denied the claims.

Numerous U.S. lawmakers have repeatedly warned about ISIS teaming up with drug cartels.

In October, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., warned in a town hall conversation that “groups like the Islamic State collaborate with drug cartels in Mexico who have clearly shown they’re willing to expand outside the drug trade into human trafficking and potentially even terrorism.”

“They could infiltrate our defenseless border and attack us right here in places like Arkansas.”

Cotton was likely referencing the Judicial Watch report.

In August, Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, a member of the House Judiciary Committee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, was asked on Newmax TV’s “America’s Forum” whether there was an ISIS-Mexican drug cartel connection.

“My opinion is yes,” he replied. “There seems to be at least a talking to each other. How much? I don’t know. But … drug cartels use the same operational plan as terrorist groups do. They kill their opponents, they behead their opponents, they brag about it and they have operational control of many portions of the southern border of the United States. Mexico doesn’t.

“The United States doesn’t,” he continued. “Otherwise they wouldn’t be crossing daily with their drugs. They’re as vicious as some of these other terrorist organizations. We need to recognize them that this is an organized international crime group. And we have to deal with them as such.”

The reports of terrorists trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border also took center stage during the 2012 presidential campaign, when candidates Rick Perry and Mitt Romney both warned terrorists infiltrating via Mexico posed a significant threat to U.S. national security.

Texas’s O’Rourke, however, was the public face of the Democrats in responding to those claims. He stated Republicans were simply trying to gin up opposition to immigration reform.

“There’s a longstanding history in this country of projecting whatever fears we have onto the border,” stated O’Rourke.

“In the absence of understanding the border, they insert their fears. Before it was Iran and al-Qaida. Now it’s ISIS. They just reach the conclusion that invasion is imminent, and it never is.”

Electrical grid

If terrorists are teaming up with Mexican drug cartels, the implications could be cataclysmic.

Not only do Mexican drug gangs maintain sophisticated smuggling routes, some of the more dangerous Mexican group have evidenced guerrilla-like tactics already used in terrorist-style attacks.

On Oct. 27, 2013, for example, the criminal drug cartel known as the Knights Templars attacked electrical facilities and blacked out Mexico’s Michoacan state, which boasts a population of 420,000. During the blackout, the Knights Templars reportedly entered towns and villages at will, terrorized the citizens and police, and publicly executed leaders opposed to the drug trade.

In an attack still largely unexplained, on April 16, 2013, a sophisticated assault was carried out on PG&E Corp’s Metcalf Transmission Substation outside of San Jose, California, which supplies power to San Francisco and other areas. A team of gunmen fired sniper and assault rifles on the substation, severely damaging 17 transformers.

Peter Pry, executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, believes the assault could have been part of a terrorist group’s preparation for a future attack on the U.S. electrical grid.

Jon Wellinghoff, the former chairman of the U.S. agency responsible for grid security, also warned that the Metcalf attack was likely a dry run for a future large-scale attack.

On the same day as the Metcalf assault, North Korea flew its KSM-3 satellite on the optimum trajectory and altitude to evade U.S. radars and carry out a potential EMP attack drill.

Networks within U.S. cities

An ISIS-Mexican drug cartel alliance could cause pandemonium in U.S. cities. Mexican drug cartels have established major networks within the U.S.

Earlier this month it was reported that federal agents arrested 976 suspected gang members across scores of American cities in a large-scale operation in February and March. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency said 199 of those arrested were foreign nationals.

Criminal street gangs are responsible for the majority of violent crimes within the U.S. and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs, according to a previous report by the Justice Department’s National Drug Intelligence Center, or NDIC.

The NDIC was a task force established in 1993 to coordinate law enforcement actions to stop drug trafficking and to curb the growing threat of violent gangs in the U.S. The agency was closed by the Obama administration in June 2011.

In October 2011, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement reported that in 2009 and 2010 it arrested 5,270 illegal alien gang members across all 50 states.

A 2011 FBI report draws a far dimmer picture of the nature of criminal gangs operating domestically. According to the FBI, criminal street gangs – mostly comprised of illegal aliens – are acquiring high-powered, military-style weapons to engage in lethal encounters with law enforcement members and citizens alike.

States the report: “There are an estimated 1.4 million active street, prison and outlaw motorcycle gang members in more than 33,000 gangs operating in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.”

The report notes those numbers reflect an increase from 2009 figures due “primarily to more comprehensive reporting from law enforcement and enhanced gang recruiting efforts.”

In July 2014, WND reported the risk of ISIS infiltrating from Mexico, perhaps with the help of drug gangs.

WND senior staff writer Michael Maloof, a U.S. Defense Department analyst under President Bush, warned ISIS could use the Mexican border to infiltrate America, and it could happen “sooner rather than later.”

“MS-13 already are in over 1,100 U.S. cities, and, as a consequence, the infiltration capabilities are very, very high and the threat from them can be sooner rather than later,” Maloof warned at the time.


Israel Analysts Shocked By Obama’s Comments On Sanctions, S-300 Supply

April 20, 2015 | TIMES OF ISRAEL
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Israeli analysts expressed shock and amazement Friday night at US President Barack Obama’s stated openness to Iran’s demand for the immediate lifting of all economic sanctions, and his defense of Russia’s agreement to supply a sophisticated air defense system to Iran.

There was no immediate official Israeli response to the president’s comments, which were made after the start of Shabbat in Israel, when politicians generally do not work.

“Jaws dropped” around the studio, said the Channel 10 News diplomatic commentator Ben Caspit, as news broke of Obama’s declared empathy for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to supply Tehran with the S-300 missile defense system.

“Obama is something else,” Caspit added. “He’s decided to take America out of the wars…”

The station’s news anchor, Alon Ben David, chipped in, “He’s amazed that the Russians honored an agreement with him [for this long]? That’s what is astonishing.”

Responded Caspit, “This is the new America. We had better get used to it.”

Channel 10 also quoted unnamed senior Israeli diplomatic officials saying the prospect of Israel derailing the deal taking shape in US-led talks with Iran on its nuclear program was now zero. “The Iran issue is finished,” the officials were quoted saying.

In Washington earlier on Friday, Obama said he was surprised that Russia’s suspension of missile sales to Iran had “held this long.”

Obama noted that Putin had previously suspended the sale “at our request. I am frankly surprised that it held this long, given that they were not prohibited by sanctions from selling these defensive weapons.”

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has furiously protested the planned supply of the advanced systems, and phoned Putin this week to try to persuade him to reconsider, but was rebuffed. Israel fears the S-300s would complicate any military intervention as a last resort to thwart Iran’s nuclear drive. It also fears Iran could supply the missile defense systems to Syria or Hezbollah, diluting Israel’s air supremacy over Syria and Lebanon.

Obama on Friday also left open the door to “creative negotiations” in response to Iran’s demand that punishing sanctions be immediately lifted as part of a nuclear deal, even though the US has said the framework agreement reached in Lausanne earlier this month calls for the penalties to be removed over time.

Asked whether he would definitively rule out lifting sanctions at once as part of a final deal aimed at keeping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, Obama said he didn’t want to get ahead of negotiators in how to work through the potential sticking point. He said his main concern is making sure that if Iran violates an agreement, sanctions can quickly be reinstated — the so-called “snap back” provision.

“How sanctions are lessened, how we snap back sanctions if there’s a violation, there are a lot of different mechanisms and ways to do that,” Obama said. He said part of the job for Secretary of State John Kerry and the representatives of five other nations working to reach a final deal with Iran by June 30 “is to sometimes find formulas that get to our main concerns while allowing the other side to make a presentation to their body politic that is more acceptable.”

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani insisted last week that they would not sign a deal unless all sanctions are lifted right after an agreement is signed. Obama initially portrayed their comments as a reflection of internal political pressure, while pointing out that the framework agreement provides for sanctions to be phased out only once international monitors verify that Tehran is abiding by the limitations.