Tuesday 23 December 2014

ISIS 'More Dangerous Than People Realize,' Says Author Who Traveled to Iraq, Syria

A German author who recently traveled to the Middle East has declared that the Islamic State terrorist organization is "more dangerous than people realize."

Juergen Todenhoefer, an author and former politician who's been a critic of American foreign policy, recently went into territory held by ISIS to investigate the militant group.

In an interview with CNN published Monday, Todenhoefer noted that he had traveled to cities like Raqqa and Deir Ezzor in Syria and Mosul in Iraq.

"There is an awful sense of normalcy in Mosul," said Todenhoefer, regarding how the city was under ISIS control.

"One hundred and thirty thousand Christians have been evicted from the city, the Shiite have fled, many people have been murdered and yet the city is functioning and people actually like the stability that the Islamic State has brought them."

Todenhoefer also noted that "many of them are quite scared, because the punishment for breaking the Islamic State's strict rules is very severe."

Originally an affiliate of al-Qaeda and presently led by Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi, ISIS garnered international headlines for their sudden conquest of territory and brutal treatment of prisoners of war and civilians.

ISIS has taken territory in Northern Iraq and Syria, taking advantage of the latter country's power vacuum due to its ongoing civil war.

While being denounced by numerous Islamic leaders, ISIS continues to be a force in the region due in part to its ability to finance its operations via oil and a black market on local artifacts.

Oliver Moody of the British publication The Times recently reported that ISIS was robbing churches and other cultural centers of precious artifacts and selling them overseas.

"Willy Bruggeman, a former deputy director of Europol who is now president of the Belgian Federal Police Council, said that some of the artefacts had almost certainly been sold illegally to buyers in the UK, although none had yet been traced to Britain," reported Moody on Wednesday.

The English language edition of Shafaq News supported that claim in a piece written in response to the Moody article.

"ISIS elements use bulldozers in order to get gypsum and wall paintings from old churches, which brings them a lot of money," reported Shafaq. "Iraqi Intelligence Service confirmed earlier this year that ISIS was able to collect 23 million pounds from the sale of artifacts from the Syrian city of Nabaq, which is full with Christian Collectibles."

This is not the first time that Todenhoefer has gone to Iraq to investigate the mentality of guerilla forces operating in the region.

In 2009, Todenhoefer had a book published titled Why Do You Kill?: The Untold Story of the Iraqi Resistance wherein the author talked with various Iraqis regarding their views of American occupation forces.

"The book attempts to explain why this resistance is not only fighting against American troops, but also against al-Qaeda terrorists and the foreign-backed private militias of Iraqi politicians. It clarifies the fundamental differences between resistance fighters and terrorists," reads the description of the book on Amazon.

Sunday 21 December 2014

Don't Miss Christmas

  • greg laurie
(Photo: Harvest Ministries)
Greg Laurie preaches on revival in America on Sunday, August 11, 2013, in Southern California.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!
— Luke 2:14

"Joy to the world! The Lord is come. Let earth receive her King. Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room."
—Joy to the World

This Christmas, don't miss the point of celebrating Christmas. Don't be like the innkeeper who missed Jesus because he was too busy (see Luke 2). Make time for the Lord. Don't be like King Herod who was too afraid to let Christ rule his life (see Matthew 2). Turn your heart over to Christ. Finally, don't run your life like the Roman Empire, who missed Christmas because other gods took the place of Christ in their lives. Allow nothing else to take the place of worshipping Jesus Christ.

On Christmas morning we will unwrap our Christmas presents, but eventually the novelty of it all will wear off. The present that was once so precious to you will end up stuffed in the closet or handed off to someone else. A newer version of your latest gadget will arrive that has more megapixels, or is smaller, or faster, or has better battery life. In time, your Christmas gifts will mostly be forgotten. But God has given us the ultimate gift—the gift of His Son Jesus Christ.

Don't miss Christmas this year. As Watts and Handel once wrote, "Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room."

Copyright © 2014 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

'Heaven Is for Real' Has Opened Doors for Other Uplifting Content in Hollywood, Says DeVon Franklin

Hollywood producer DeVon Franklin who worked on the hit 2014 film "Heaven Is for Real" recently talked with The Christian Post about the film's impact on both Hollywood and the lives of people who watched the movie.

The film, which tells the story of 4-year-old Colton Burpo, who claimed to have traveled to heaven during a near-death experience, was released earlier this year and took the movie world by storm grossing $22.5 million in its opening weekend.

"In Hollywood what 'Heaven Is for Real' showed is it really began to continue to legitimize that there's an audience out there that really wants more content that's uplifting, and I really think that 'Heaven Is for Real' has opened doors for other content to come to market. Not just in film, but in television," Franklin told CP Voice.

According to Franklin, the film's inspirational content also had a positive impact on people's lives, noting an email one of his associates received from a person who said the movie helped them to reconnect with their faith after going through a really dark time in their life.
(Screenshot: Heaven Is For Real/YouTube)

"[The person] said that they were going through a really difficult period of time," he explained. "So difficult that they were considering committing suicide. And they watched 'Heaven Is for Real,' and it renewed their faith in God, renewed their strength, and it helped them get through this really dark period. And so, when you get emails like that, it reminds me that even beyond the box office it's important to touch lives."

Franklin's company Franklin Entertainment will be working on a follow-up to "Heaven Is for Real," which is based off a new book that will be released soon titled "Miracles From Heaven." Franklin will work on the movie alongside producer Joe Roth and Bishop T.D. Jakes.

The story follows a young Texas girl who had an incurable disease and also said she underwent a near-death experience where she had the opportunity to meet Jesus and receive a miraculous healing. The healing came after several Harvard trained doctors failed to cure her.

"When we read this book, we really felt there was so much hope, going back to where we are in the world and what we think people need. The story really touched me deeply, because I think we all want to believe in miracles and believe that God continues to hear our prayers — and not only hear them, but answer them," he said.

"Miracles From Heaven" hits theaters in 2016.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Israel Air Strikes Wiped Out Russian Hardware For Thwarting US No-Fly Zone Plan Over Syria

December 10, 2014 | debka.com
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Israel’s air strikes near Damascus international air port and the Syrian-Lebanese border Sunday, Dec. 7, are depicted by Middle East military and intelligence sources as Israel’s first overt military clash with Russia in the course of the more than three-year Syrian war.

Those sources assert that the strikes demolished components of Russian SA-25 or other types of top-line anti air missile systems that Moscow had destined for Syria and the Lebanese Hizballah terrorist group after Russian President Vladimir Putin learned that the Obama administration and the Erdogan government were close to a final draft on a joint effort to activate a no-fly zone that would bar Syrian air force traffic over northern Syria.

Russian transport planes are said to have shipped these consignments in the last few days to the military section of Damascus international airport. It was pointed out that the Israeli air strikes occurred less than 24 hours after Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, the Kremlin’s point man for the Syrian war, met with Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah Saturday in Beirut. The Russians for the first time insisted on widely circulating photos of the two officials shaking hands.

DEBKAfile’s sources have learned that Moscow has been looking for a reckoning with the US and Israel over the fall in the last week of October of the large Russian intelligence post at Tel a-Hara in southern Syria to Syrian rebel units.. One of the most highly sophisticated Russian intelligence bases outside its borders, the secret site was located strategically close to the junction of Syria’s borders with Jordan and Israel.

The prized hi-tech apparatus, much of it unfamiliar to Western spy agencies, was quickly shipped out of Syria for examination in the West.

The Kremlin has repeatedly warned - of late in strong messages through back channels - that the establishment of a no-fly or buffer zone in any part of Syria would be treated as direct American intervention in the Syria war and result in Russian military intervention for defending the Assad regime.

According to the US-Turkish draft, American warplanes would be allowed to take off from the Turkish airbase of Incirlik in the south for operations against Syrian warplanes, assault helicopters or drones entering the no-go zone. Thus far, Ankara has only permitted US surveillance aircraft and drones the use of Incirlik for tracking the movements of Islamic State fighters in northern Syria.

The Obama administration was long deterred from implementing a no-fly zone plan by the wish to avoid riling Moscow or facing the hazards of Syria’s world-class air defense system.

But Washington was recently won over to the plan by a tacit deal with Damascus for American jets to be allowed entry to help Kurdish fighters defend their northern Syrian enclave of Kobani against capture by al Qaeda’s IS invaders.

However, the US administration turned down a Turkish demand to extend the no-fly zone from their border as far as Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, over which Syrian army forces are battling rebels and advancing slowly into the town.

Other Israeli air force targets struck near Damascus airport in Sunday’s raid were the 103rd brigade of the 4th Division, which is the Syrian president’s republican guard, and the same division’s logistic rear base at Dimas near the Lebanese border.

The fact that Israel conducted air strikes against two facilities of the same Syrian army division along the route to Lebanon indicates that the targeted weapons were on their way from Syria to Hizballah strongholds in Lebanon.

Moscow reacted swiftly and angrily with a Note to the United Nations Monday accusing Israel of “aggressive action” and demanding “that such attacks should not happen again… Moscow is deeply worried by this dangerous development, the circumstances of which demand an explanation.”

The Assad regime has held back from reacting to past Israeli air raids for preventing advanced weaponry from reaching Hizballah. This time, spokesmen in Damascus warned that their government’s response would be clandestine and cause Israel "unimaginable harm."

Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2014/December09/093.html#MkzWO7Pdcbg0Kqxb.99